Chapter One- The Move

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Moving from one state to another is a pain in the ass. Especially when its a 12+ hour drive. Even more time with the family. Yay. It wasn't like it was our first time moving. Especially not with moms boyfriend. But gods. Its just so annoying. I shoved heavy boxes into the U-haul as my dad yelled at my brothers who were dealing with the three dogs that didn't get along. I heard my name get yelled. "Y/n!" Came the stressed out voice of my mother. "Come on! Hurry this shit up!" I rolled my eyes thankful to be facing the other way. "Coming mom." I called, before getting out the U-haul.

After not to long, we had all the stuff and animals packed up. My youngest brother climbed into the U-haul with my dad and the middle child climbed into the back of the minivan. I sat up in the passenger seat and buckled up. It fluffed up my hair and made a face at myself in the rearview mirror. I looked good h/c h/l hair, e/c eyes. The perfect figure. Nice full hair. This new state isnt gonna know what to do with me. I watched as my parents talked for a bit before my dad got in the truck and my mom sat up in the drivers seat and we were off.

It wasnt the worst ride. The tunes could've been better. And that one guy at the rest stop was pretty weird but other then that it was a damn good trip. When we got to the house it was a two story, three bed, 2.5 bath house. It was glorious. Me and my brothers rushed inside pushing each other over and raced up the stairs. I got the room with the balcony and I was not complaining. I stepped outside and a soft wind blew but there were mountains. Everywhere. I admired the view some before I heard my name get called so I ran downstairs to help unpack.

After I helped my mother unpack all of downstairs, I finally got to do my room. I made my bed all nice and neat and folded all my clothes up and put them in the dresser then came the fun part. I dumped all my posters and tiny wall things onto my bed and started hanging them up. I put christmas lights along the perimeter of my ceiling and set up my record player and multiple records. I hummed along to Van Halens 1984 as I finished up the last of my room a proud grin on my face. Once I finished I flopped on my bed and stared into the green eyes of Nikki Sixx. His poster was on my wall and Sebastian Bach was behind my head. I haven't been to a rock show in so long it sucked. Did this state even know how to rock? I knew the capitol was or used to be the center of music but now its just the capitol. I hoped they did.

After some time I headed downstairs and sat at a spot at the dining room table. My mom had made mashed potatoes and meatloaf. We all sat around talking about the things we were most excited for. I mentioned my birthday that was coming up in a week and the topic was brushed over. I was excited. I'll be 21 and it will be so nice. Ill actually be able to drink in public places and get drunk at concerts. But we seemed to skip over it so fast. After dinner I went upstairs to my perfectly decorated room. I had decided that tomorrow I will start searching for work in order to help out around the house and actually have something to do. I stripped down into red shorts and a black bra and flopped onto my bed. I curled into my big duvet and closed my eyes. Peacefully drifting into sleep.

Word count: 666

AN: This shit is gonna get 2012 One Direction fan fic cringey but hopefully good. Good night/morning/afternoon.

Birthday Casualities {Slash X Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon