Chapter Six- Fuuuuck

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Being with Mötley Crüe was the biggest fucking mistake of my life. Being with Nikki Sixx? God fuck yes. His arms around me and that wide grin could make me forget about how terribly I missed Slash but what helped me forget everything was cocaine.

It was fun. And they just did whatever and whoever they wanted. It was like living in a god damn porno. If we werent breaking shit we were fucking. And Nikki could go on for ages. Any fucking where. The back of cabs, dark corners at overcrowded parties, dirty bar bathrooms, storage closets. It was heaven. Drugs, booze, sex, rock n roll, and then we do it all over again. I went to bed constantly fucked and half naked. I didn't like it. At least my brain didn't. My body adored it. The ability to just relax and the pure pleasure every night.

I woke up with a groan as Nikki shook me. "Baabe come on." I nodded and got up. I pulled on some clothes and Nikki tugged me out the room. I didn't know where we were going or going to do but I somehow tugged on a leather skirt and a brallete. I slipped into my tall leather boots and a leather jacket before putting on some assorted accessories and joining Sixx outside the apartment. I popped a pair of shades I was pretty sure were Tommys. "Gotta bump?" I asked. Nikki tossed me a little bag of coke and it all went to my nose. He pulled a bottle out of his jacket and we both down that shit.  I sighed softly as my brain shut the fuck up. "Sooo what are we doing?" I asked. "Waiting." Nikki said. "That's so god damn borning. I wanna break something!" I said, jumping up. Nikki looked at me and I tugged my jacket off and tackled him.

I got shoved into the back of a patrol car, Nikki was sat beside me. We both chuckled at each other. We just couldn't believe that bitch called the cops on us. Nikki reached over and pulled my top up. The many hickey's that we shared practically matched. The cop got into the car. And Nikki and I started snorting. "Yeah yeah shut the fuck up." The cop muttered. We were slammed behind bars.

I looked at Nikki in the opposite cell and pushed my body against the bars. "Damn you look good as hell behind bars." I purred. "You think?" Nikki asked, getting up and walking over to me. "Fuck yeah I do. I've never wanted you to put your hands on me so bad in my life." "Calm down baby girl." Nikki warned. I grinned wide before laughing lightly. "Fuuuck it's barely what 1?" I asked. "It's 12:45." The secretary said. "And you've already got me in jail." I shook my head. "Hang on baby." I headed over to the door. "Hey Can don't U get a phone call?" I asked. I couldn't remember any numbers. The officer sighed and opened the door and led me to the phones.

I stood there for ages, starring at the phone. The phone on my ear and my fingers hovering over the buttons. Then a familiar number popped into my head and I punched it in. It rang about ten times before I got a groggy "Hello?" "Who is this?" I asked. "It's called me?" "Oh fuuuck." I laughed into the receiver, leaning my head against the wall. "Y/n?" Slash asked. "Oh hell you do remember." I said with a soft chuckle. "Are you sober like at all?" Slash asked. "Hey man-me and this guy are in fucking County. The bails like a thousand-five hundred for both of us. Nikki can pay you back. Just please come help us out." I whined. "What'd you even do?" He asked as I heard shuffling and scuffling of Movement. "Had some drink. Had some candy, chopped up powder sugar. And then tried to make babies in a park. Apparently that's public indecency. But no one else was there so I don't know why it matters!" I said loudly. "Wait-youre in L.A.?" Slash asked. I laughed so hard I almost snorted. "Were you about to just fucking go to Utah to bail me out?" I asked still laughing. "....No of course not." Slash said. I chuckled softly. "See you in a bit rockstar." I said. "Bye y/n." Once I hung up the phone my lips tingley. In fact my whole body buzzed. I assumed I was just sobering up as I got tossed back in and laid down on a cold ass bench.

I was awoken to loud banging. "Cmon Princess." The guard said. I sat up and rubbed my face. There stood Slash. I scrambled to the bars and held them tight just looking at him. Tears welled up in my eyes. "You look like you've just seen a ghost." He said. I could've burst into tears just by hearing his voice. I stuck my arm through the bars, reaching for him like my heart has been for so long. He took a couple steps forward and we just stood there, starring at each other. My hand holding his arm for dear life. He chuckled softly. "Come on mama let's get you out of here." "What about Sixx?" I asked. "What about him?" Slash asked, a mild annoyance in his voice. "Give me a sec." I said. I went over to the bars that divided the cells. "Slash said he could only pay for one." I said. "So he chose the bitching hot babe. I'm not mad mama." Nikki said with a grin. I kissed my hand and 'placed' it on his cheek. "I'll get Tommy to get you but it might be Mick saving your skin." I said, with a grin. "Thank you baby girl." Nikki said, glancing at Slash. "Of course." I said softly. "Love you." "Love you too."

Slash and I walked out the precinct and immediately got bombarded with paparazzi. Slash took my hand so he could guide me through the blinding lights and sweaty people. They hollered words and questions as we just weaved through them. Finally we got to the car and Slash went to open the door for me. I got in and lit a smoke before he got in the car. Watching as the people literally followed him. He shoved his middle finger in a camera lens and said something not nice before getting in the car. I offered him the cig. He happily took it. "So baby girl-" Slash said mockingly. "Where am I taking you?" "Uhm the whiskey? I got work in like shit-ten minutes ago." I said. Slash offered me the cig and I took a couple hits off it. Letting the nicotine soothe my nerves before handing it back. We went back and forth like that many times waiting for the crowd to disperse. Once they did it didn't make sense to show up. "Still wanna go?" He asked. I shook my head lightly. "You don't really have to take me anywhere." I said softly. "I can walk home." Slash started the car and she purred as we sat idle. "Please tell me you're not in that fucking apartment." Slash said. "It was the only choice I had. I don't make enough for anywhere to live and the hotel raised the prices out of nowhere." I said. "It's not very nice being here. I haven't had an actual meal in so long." I said softly. Slash reached out and held my face. His hand tucked under my chin and his thumb rubbed my cheek. "Come on baby girl." He said. "I know a place." He chuckled softly before peeling off the road. Neither one of us buckled and both of us very confused.

Wordcount: 1,314

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