Chapter Seven- Rekindling?

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It was his house. He took to me his God damn house. I couldn't believe it. I looked around the place and sighed softly. I looked over at Slash who was definitely feeling the awkward vibes. I cracked a grin at him and he smiled back. "Well come on good looking. Tour time." I said. Slash nodded. He motioned to the left. "Living room." Slash headed off and I followed close behind him. "Dining room, through those doors is the kitchen and there's a sun room attached to that." Slash took my hand and lead me up his spiral staircase. "This is the Snakes room." He opened the door and there was a snake home with a sleeping boa tucked in a corner. The room was decorated with faux tree branches. Slash shut the door. "Bathroom. Guest room. Bathroom. Secret room. My room." Slash said. He stood there and I barged in. I looked around. "This is where the magic happens?" I asked, looking back at Slash. "Yeah this is where I listen to the radio till I pass out." Slash said with a soft chuckle. I smiled softly. "Cutie." Slash gently shook his head. "Whatever." He grumbled, cleaning up the room some.

We were sat in his living room, Slash was showing me how to feed the snake. "Wanna do something fun?" He asked me. I nodded softly. "Yeah!" I said. Slash got up and helped me up off the couch. We went up into the secret room." I looked around. The room was decorated just like the living room. A big table in the middle and couches and chairs everywhere. There was a certain smell to the room. And a really pretty chandelier. Slash motioned to a couch and I sat down. He dug around in an ottoman and pulled out a bag of coke. "Hey!!" I said excitedly. "Fuck yeah baby." We both sat on opposite sides of the table. Slash poured and chopped up some of the coke and we endulged in the candy for noses. Not much longer Slash had me on a leather couch, our everything intertwined, sucking face. One hand was up my shirt and the other pulled me as close as possible. We looked like a couple well....Snakes. I tugged at his shirt and he pulled back to tear it over his head. His curls looked amazing and he looked amazing shirtless.

I woke up. In the secret room. I scrambled up and looked around the room. I looked down at naked Slash and gently nudged him tugging on my own clothes. I felt like shit for cheating on Sixx, my stomach churned. He sat up and grumbled. "Fuuck." He groaned and laid back down. I shook my head and ran downstairs. I dialed the number for the apartment. Nikki picked up. "Hello?" "Nikki! Baby!! I saw on-" I scrambled to the television, picking up the remote.  "MTV that you got freed. I am so sorry it took so long." I said. "It's ok baby. The day is still young as so are we." He purred. I giggled softly, shaking my head to get the grogginess to leave. "I'll be over as soon as possible. We are swarmed by hungry motherfuckers trying to get pictures." I said. Slash came downstairs, wearing nothing but a pair of low rise pants. "No I get it. Take your time princess. I'll see you in a bit." Nikki said. "Bye baby." I replied. "Bye baby girl." He said, I put the phone in the receiver "Who was that?" Slash asked. "Who do you think?" "Nikki?" Slash asked.

"No duh." I replied shaking my head. "I do have to go home soon." I sat down. "To that pig sty? When you could stay here? With me?" Slash asked. I nodded softly. "I'm afraid so." I said with a small smile and gently kissed Slash. It made my skin buzz and my heart flutter. I couldn't tell if the butterflies were good or anxiety butterflies but I was just happy to be with Slash. He put his big warm hands on my waist and pulled me into his lap. I gently shook my head. "What station do you listen to?" I asked. "100.5." Slash replied, just holding me. I nodded softly and leaned into Slash. For the first time in a long time. I felt whole again. Like that part of me that's been missing for so long has finally been reconnected. My missing puzzle piece has been found. I held him tighter I sighed softly. I was just happy. I knew he didn't feel the exact same way, like I was his perfect match, but well a lady can dream can't she? I kissed his cheek and sighed softly. We were honestly just sitting on the couch, enjoying each other.

Slash dropped me off at the apartment and waved good bye. I headed into the place and went upstairs. I slipped in through the window and tackled Nikki. I sat up on his lap and peppered his face with kisses as he laughed. "Oh my sweet sweet bassist! I missed you so much!!" I hollered as I held his face. "I missed you too pretty mama." He pushed me back into his lap, laughing lightly. Nikki sat up and kissed me softly. "So how'd it go? What'd that perv do to you?" Nikki asked. "Terrible. He just showed me his big ass house and snake." "Snake?" Nikki asked. "Yeah. Nature's snakes." I said, wrapping my arms around Nikki. His hands wrested on my waist and he leaned down and kissed me softly. "Sounds boring." "It was. Terribly." I flopped dramatically onto the ground and Sixx got on top of me. "I'm so sorry babygirl." Nikki said with a wide grin. "At least I am finally home! With you!" I yelled dramatically. Leaning into the floor. Nikki and I both chuckled before kissing one another. "I missed you princess." Nikki spoke as he ran a hand up my leg.

"I missed you too baby. But I am starving. Let's go to the diner!" I shot up and headed outside the apartment. Nikki laughed and followed after me. We sat in the diner, laughing and just enjoying each other's company. Then we went to the music store and I checked out drums while he was looking at some basses. I walked over to him as he was fucking with a white bass. "Could take some red. Make it look blood splattered." I said. "Fuck yeah baby!" He took my hand and drug me to the check out and we paid for the bass. Finally when we got home. I laid down for bed.

When they laid down for bed y/n brought the radio in and tuned it to 100.5 at the same time Slash was on the other side of L.A. doing the exact same thing. Slash wiggled into the middle of the bed and Y/n curled up with Nikki, his arms tight around her waist. He kissed her shoulder softly. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." She replied, unaware on wether it was a lie or not. Aerosmith's Crying softly filled both rooms. Y/n thought it was bittersweet cause she knew that Slash was there maybe with a whore, listening to the same song as the couple. Slash was just hoping that Y/n was actually listening to the radio. The trio fell asleep at around the same time. Slash and Y/n thinking of each other, Nikki thinking of Y/n.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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