Chapter Three- Accidental Meetings

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I headed into the diner on main street.  I was wearing a W.A.S.P shirt and a pair of leather jeans that laced up the sides. I had on a big pair of boots and a leather coat. My shades propped up on my head. I spotted a familiar looking ginger but didn't say anything. I sat across the aisle from him and buried my head in the menu. I peeked at the ginger over the menu to make sure it is indeed who I think it is. Wow. He was just so good  looking. Sharp jawline, high cheekbones. He was just so perfect.

"Y/n!!" That kid from the first day ran over. "Hey man." I said, Axl looked over. We somewhat got along, hung out a couple times. Tagged the water tower. Just kid things. "Did you hear?" Jackson asked. I looked at Axl, who was back to reading the menu. "About what?" I asked the kid with a small smile. "Guns n roses is coming to our fucking town!!" He said very excitedly. I cringed a bit. "No fucking way? Really?" I asked, leaning back into the chair. "You sound sarcastic." Jackson said, a slight frown on his face. I discreetly pointed to Axl. The puppy dogs face lit up. "No way-" He shot up and dropped in front of Axl. "Dude me and my friends are big fans!!" Jackson practically yelled. "Jackson." I groaned. Axl chuckled softly. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah I just bought a ticket to y'alls show!" Jackson yelled. He motioned to me. "She got one too!" I merely nodded at Axl. I slid out of the booth and sat by Jackson. "Hey man." I said, leaning back in the seat. "Hey. You guys are coming to the show tonight?" The ginger asked. I could've melted into a puddle. Axl was Actually talking to me. "Yeah man. We're selling your tickets at the shop." I said. Axl smirked. "The shop?" He asked. His voice was deep and I wanted him to throw me across the diner. "Yeah- its a record store. Maybe I could give you a tour. The record store, the bar, let see...theres a book store, my bedroom, the other shittier greasier diner, and then all the good places to drive." I said. "Maybe you should save your bedroom for last." Axl said. "Do you think so?" I asked. "The record store is really cool! Y/n is the only reason you guys are even playing here." Jackson said. "Well if that is the case. We are in your debt." Axl said. "Damn straight you are." I said with a wide smirk. "But yeah we can go check shit out. Tear it up a bit." Axl got up. Jackson and I followed the rockstar out.

We pulled up to the record store. Jackson had to go home so it was just Axl and I. It was a little empty because everyone was put n about. "Oooh the grocery store is fun." I said before laughing lightly. We found two blondes in the store. "Axl!!" The shorter one yelled. The both ran over. I could never figure out which is Duff  and which is Steven but they were both so cute. "Evening gentlemen." I said. "Shes hanging with me. Were checking this tiny town out." Axl explained to the twins. I looked over at my boss who was doing an interview. I turned my attention back to the trio who were chuckling about an inside joke. I kinda just stood there. For a while I thought I was forgotten until Axl slid an arm around my waist and pulled me close.  "Shes going to the show tonight. I was thinking about giving her the exclusive backstage hang out pass." Axl purred. I smiled up at Axl and mustered up my sweetest voice. "You really mean it?" I purred. I could feel him get riled up from my words alone. "Yeah of course." Axl said. "Anything for you pretty lady!" Steven said. "Oh Axl!" Duff said in a high pitched airy voice. "Anything for you baby."  Steven said and the pair pretended to make out. A mess of blonde hair and limbs. "Assholes." Axl muttered. I laughed lightly.
We drove
All four of us left the record store and headed out. We were just driving around. The windows and top down, the music loud. We were joking and laughing just having fun. Axl then suddenly slammed on the brakes. Izzy stood in the middle of the road. "What the fuck!" He yelled, kicking the car. "Izzy!!" We all yelled. "Fucking idiots!" Izzy said. "Come on baby. We're going around picking up whores!" Axl yelled. The twins scooted over and Izzy got in  the car. He lit a cig and nodded at me. I smiled and waved softly. Axl sped off again.

We drove around until they had to go to soundcheck. And they let me go with them. The openers were on stage doing their own sound check. I got a beer despite not being old enough. I heard footsteps behind me and expecting Axl, I turned around and there he stood. The man I've been dieing to see. 5 feet and 6 inches of pure beauty. He was wearing a literal Graphic tee and a denim coat. He had on some black jeans with tears in the knees and cowboy boots. He had on a good amount of necklaces and an unlit cig between his lips. His curls covered his eyes. "Hi." I said, I feel like I sounded cringey. "Hey." Slash said with a pretty white boy smile. "I don't think you're old enough for that." He said. "Hm. I didn't realize you knew me so well." I said. "Well with the way Axl gushes about you I might as well." The brit said. We were barely an inch apart. I could smell his cologne and I could feel myself becoming a puddle. The butterflies in my stomach were going wold and I couldn't catch my breath. "Oh dear-I hope he doesn't become attached." I muttered. Slash grabbed his drink and started heading backstage. "He already has!" He called over his shoulder a wide grin on his face. I could've fainted. A couple ladies glared at me. I smiled widely at them and took my drink to the stage. I took my spot right against the stage to the right. I took a sip of my beer and just waited patiently for the show to start.

Wordcount- 1,085

AN: Sorry I try to update everyday but yesterday was halloween. I told you guys it was going to cringey.

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