Chapter 6 - What To Do Now

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Silkie POV

Medusa stood there while I looked at her. My tail slightly wagged as I was expecting something to happen.

"Hello." I said. "Do you need anything or-" "No, just wanted to check on you." Medusa replied.

I nodded. "So Marrowkai told me you eat fruits and flowers?" She asked. "Mhm." I said.

"And that person we kill- I mean the person who died was your mother?" Medusa asked again. I nodded.

"And there are no other Drones besides you?" She questioned. I shook my head. "Mom told me there are more Drones out there." I answered.

"Do you know where those other Drones are?" "On Drone Island." "Where is that?" "I don't know."

After a while of asking questions, Medusa called Marrowkai. He came instantly.

"Marrowkai, were you able to find out where she came from?" Medusa asked him.

"Well, we scouted the area and thought that she probably lived in the Crawler Forest. But its only a guess." Marrowkai replied.

Their discussion got boring so I just sat down and watched them. Until they stopped and Marrowkai left.

"Silkie, could there be a way for you to lead us to Drone Island?" Medusa asked me.

I shrugged. "I've never been there. I've also never met any other Drone besides my mom so I can't track their scent. Plus, I can't fly yet." I replied.

"Well then the Eclipsors can teach you." Medusa said. "No, I meant I don't have my wings yet." I told her.

Medusa groaned. "Fine. When will they grow?" She asked. "Next week on the dat after my birthday." I answered.

"Alright. We'll wait until that day then. For now, we will be questioning you for answers about what you are." Medusa stated.

"And while Im here, can I check around the castle too? You know, so I don't get bored in this cell?" I asked. I really wanted to explore this place.

"Only if we know you are not a threat." Medusa replied as she started to leave. "But Im no threat!" I tried to say but she already left.

"Do I look like a threat?" I asked myself. I look pretty normal and harmless, to be honest.

But I guess that just means I need to show them that Im not dangerous. I'll be really nice to them so that they can let me check out the castle.

Until then, I guess I'll have to stay here. But I'll try to be patient. After all, I don't want to annoy anyone.

I started thinking of the day when I actually get to fly. These people want me to find Drone Island for them. Why?

Doesn't matter. As long as they're friendly, I guess they mean no harm. Right?

But I still have a lot of questions. Like, are there more of these people out there? I want to know. But I don't think I'll ever get all the answers.

Maybe someday I guess. But not now. I guess I'll havs to just wait and focus on my questions some other time.

For now, I need to think of what I'll do when I get my wings. Should I help these people or should I try to escape?

If I tried to escape, I'll have to find Drone Island on my own. Not to mention that I might get lost in this place.

But if I help Chaos, I might be able to find Drone Island with a bit of help. I might also be able to know and understand my surroundings more.

Also, I can get to make friends with everyone here! I can hang around the castle and the Crawlers won't attack me anymore.

So I should stick to helping them. It would be much easier for me and them if I do so.

With my mind made up, I yawned. I didn't notice how sleepy I kind of was. It must have been a long and tiring day.

It was hard to tell if it was night here. The sky was always grey. Usually, my mom would tell me if its night ir day.

But she's gone now. I guess I get to decide whether its day or night. And now, I say that its night.

So I went over to a corner of the cell. I curled up in a comfortrable position and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

Marrowkai POV

This is weird. Im not usually assigned to go to No Man's Land, but Im here anyway.

The Giants hate me. They recognize my authority but they still want to kill me. But I shrugged off the thought.

I look at all the Giants. Ever since Griffon the Great chose to join Order, Medusa has taken full control of the Giants.

When Demon Giant was killed, she had no other choice. If the Giants had no one to see as the strongest, they would be destroying Inamorta now.

So Medusa became their 'queen'. But technically they don't have a real leader because Giants are too dumb to have a social life.

Also, Medusa likes the Giants very much and the reason we declared war on Order was because of the Enslaved Giant incident.

I walked over to one of the Giants. To get its attention, I kicked its huge foot. It growled but looked at me.


The Giant heard me so he nodded. But he lifted his club and tried to hit me. Thankfully, I evaded.

"What do you think you're doing?" I yelled. The Giant glared. "If what you're doing is so secret, why are you yelling it out loud?" He asked.

Why didn't I think of that? Whatever. "Just do what you need to do." I told the Giant.

He left while dragging that dead body as he walked and his club on his shoulders.

I sighed. Now I just need to tell the Juggerknights, Eclipsors, and the other Marrowkai.

And hopefully, no Order soldier just heard what I said.

Sorry for late update. I had a few celebrations during the week and it kind of tired me out.

But Im back again and with motivation from a Stick War 3 spoiler intro.

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