Chapter 13 - Atcutlet and the Miners

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"My name... is Atcutlet." The man answered.

I stare at him with awe-filled eyes. "And how do you know who I am?" I asked. "Well, lets just say Marrowkai wasn't too good at keeping secrets." He replied with a chuckle.

I continue to stare at him in confusion and observe the mysterious warm and dark environment we were in.

"You may explore it first while I discuss some matters with my allies." Atcutlet said as he called for someone.

An Eclipsor instantly appeared. He looked a regular Eclipsor except for the fact that one of his wings looked broken.

"Silkie, this is Claws. He'll look after you for now." Atcutlet explained. "But if you have any questions, just ask any of us."

I nodded in response. "Good. Claws, show Silkie around while I explain the situation to the others." The taller man told the Eclipsor.

"Yes sir!" Claws said with a salute. He then gestured for me to follow him. I eagerly followed, my curiousity taking over my senses.

Atcutlet POV

I watch as Claws and Silkie walk out of my sight. When they completely disappeared into one of the tunnels, my face turned serious as I call for a meeting with some of the Miners.

They met up with me in the largest room of the mines: the assembly room. There, I saw the faces of the first few Miners that I rescued.

"Is everyone here?" I asked. Flint, the oldest one in the group, counted to see if all were present. "Yes, all 5 Miners plus you." He answered.

I nodded. "Alright, now I think I need to explain the current issue at hand." I said. But I was interrupted before I could say another word.

"Is this about the red lizard that you brought in to our base?" Oria, the only female in the room, questioned.

"That 'red lizard' could be a mutated Crawler that Chaos is planning to use as a war machine!" Tuff, the youngest among the 5, exclaimed.

"No, Silkie is harmless. At least, our spies haven't seen her use any dangerous abilities." I reassured him. But Tuff kept mumbling to himself.

"Anyways, the reason why I brought her here is to protect her and stop whatever Chaos' plan is." I told everyone.

"Chaos' plan is to use Silkie to find the others of her kind once she grows her wings and take over their island. But Silkie is just a child and she's still too gullible and naive."

I heard a few 'hm's from the 5 Miners. "So you plan to just... keep her here for the time being?" Geode, the smartest one, asked.

"But what if Silkie becomes suspicious? What if Chaos tracks her and discovers... all this?" Piper, Geode's twin brother, gestured around us.

"Firstly, we can just lie to Silkie if she ever thinks something's up, though I think that's very unlikely." I replied.

"Secondly, I plan to walk Silkie away from our base. I'll take her somewhere else and that's where we'll stay."

The group went silent. "Wouldn't that leave you and Silkie vulnerable?" Flint broke the silence.

"Yes but at least our base and the hundreds of people who live there will be safe." I replied. "They are the priority, not stopping Chaos."

"Wow you have good decision-making skills for a 15 year old." Geode let out a slight chuckle.

"But... what if you get attacked?? What if you get hurt?? What if..." "Whoa, calm down Tuff. I'll be fine." I comforted the half blind Miner.

Poor guy must be really traumatized after all that he has been through.

"He's right though. Not only that, what if another rebel attacks you and takes Silkie?" Oria added.

"...Silkie will be fine. I don't care as long as she's alive and Chaos doesn't have her." I said.

"So its settled then: we keep an eye on Silkie but make sure she doesn't fall in the wrong hands." Piper looked at all of us.

We all nodded in agreement. "That's all for now." I told the Miners. "Lets rest for the night and I can start walking Silkie in the morning."

As the Miners left the room one by one, I sighed as I was left alone, slightly tired from all the talk.

"We shouldn't be too careless with Silkie." I suddenly heard Oria's voice as she was the last one in the room.

"She is still a child born into a dangerous world. Yet, she's still a bit oblivious. We should take real care of her, whether its for the sake of our plan or not."

With that, I heard the door close and the sound of Oria's footsteps became fainter and fainter.

I did not think too much about what she said but I suddenly got concerned about Silkie. If she ever got hurt now, it would be my fault.

I shook my head. No, that won't happen. It doesn't matter. As long as we have her, Chaos can't conquer and enslave another nation again.

But I couldn't help but worry about what fate lies ahead of the little Drone.

Medusa POV

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE LOST HER?!" I yelled at a Juggerknight guard. The Eclipsor beside him was trembling in fear. He should be.

"U-uh, one of the Juggerknights w-walked away w-with her. B-but when we followed, a-all we found was a c-corpse." The Juggerknight guard stuttered.

"GRRR... RAAAGGGHHH!!" I let out a scream as I glare straight into the guard. In the next second after I blinked, he was nothing but stone.

The Eclipsor's eyes widened and he gasped as he covered his mouth. I face him with a cold look.

"Get the Crawler and Dead army. Send the Eclipsors to search from above. Do NOT stop until you find her." I commanded.

The Eclipsor quickly glanced at the petrified Juggerknight before looking at me again.

"Y-yes Queen Medusa." He said before flying out of the room. I growled quietly as I put my fingers to my forehead.

They better find her... or else I'll go looking for Silkie myself.

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