nightmare (sj)

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Age: 2/12

Summary: you have a nightmare and come crying to scar

This is the dream font
Y/n's pov:
'no no don't hurt her, no don't hurt her!!!'

'mummy no mummy don't hurt her!'

'ahhhhh no don't hurt he-'

That's when I woke up, I started to cry more and I got outta my new big girl bed and ran all the way to mummy and Colin's room.

I tried to get up on the bed but It was to high and I am short

"nrggg" I felt a pair of arms pick me up

"What's wrong honey?" Mummy!

"Mummy! Mummy ywrs swfe"

"Of course, I am babes what's wrong?"

"Mummy, me had nwghtmwre"

"Awwe no baby, it's okay, your safe"

"Do you wanna sleep with Colin and I?"


She layed me down next to her and Colin but I just climbed onto her belly and layed down there, as she chuckled, I snuggled into her and fell asleep safe and secure.

Sorry it's short also sorry I haven't updated lots have been going on, I am tryna finish some drafts I have so yeh.

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