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You lose your virginity to Ed and he’s really sweet and gentle

Ed’s facial features are stiff and his blonde eyebrows furrow as he concentrates on mixing the song he’d been recording almost all day, tucked away alone in his at-home studio.  He’s good at keeping his focus, even while you nag him to hurry up and finish from the door.  He stood to crack his back since he’d been sitting for a bit, and when he did you ran in and stole the desk chair, plopping down as he glanced at you over his shoulder.

“Babe, I’m almost done,” he said, leaning over his laptop.

“Tonight was supposed to be our night, and you’ve been in here almost all day.”

He sighed as he typed, “I know, it’s still our night, I just have two more emails to reply to.”

“Can’t you just forward them to Stuart so he can do it?”

You spun in the chair out of boredom, using Ed’s ass to push off and then continuing the rotation with your bare feet on the carpet.  He laughed when you started getting dizzy.

“You’re distracting me,” he chuckled, watching you throw your head in your hands to still your brain.  Once it passed, you leaned forward and drummed your hands against his ass, tapping your foot while you made up a beat.

“Alright, alright,” he laughed, finally tearing away from the laptop, “I’m done, happy now?”

You stood and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your lips together when he turned to face you.

His hands found leverage at your hips, tugging you until your groins were pressed flush against each other. 

“It’s about time,” you smiled, giving his cheek a quick peck.

He ran his fingers through your hair, his eyes leaving yours, “wait,” he said, removing his hands and turning back toward the computer, “I almost forgot.”

You sighed and threw your head back once you plopped back down in the chair.

You watched him reply to another email from a producer based out of LA that he must’ve brought up ten times in the past week alone, and after a few minutes, you stood up and leaned over him, placing your hands on his hips.

It was then you saw that he wasn’t working at all.

“Again? Really?” You asked, rolling your eyes.  He laughed and continued to type while you fought to smack his hands away from the keyboard.

“You little shit,” you said, seeing that he was tweeting on your account, and had already tweeted a good amount of things that made absolutely no sense.   

One read that he was the best boyfriend in the world, and another said that you clogged the shower drain shaving your legs. 

“Ed!” You shouted, when he started typing that you had a crush on Stuart.  “Stop it! I have followers that are going to see that! Including Stuart.”

He laughed again and bumped you away with his hip, making you stumble off to the side. 

“Well you haven’t got nearly as many followers as me, and plus, don’t they deserve the truth?” He asked, glancing over his shoulder just as he clicked the tweet button.

“So you mean to tell me that you’d rather hack my twitter than spend time with me?”

He chuckled, moving his eyes from the screen to the keyboard as he typed. 

“It’s your fault for distracting me.  And who says I can’t do both? I am a multitasker, after all.”

You crossed your arms and shook your head, watching him giggle with that big toothy grin of his, and orange hair falling in his eyes.  He thought he was so swift, and while you stood watching him you thought of what you were planning for your night together.  You’d only been together for a few weeks, but had been friends long before that.  One night, a few days after you decided to label your relationship, Ed tried to take things to the next level, his hands in your hair and mouth against your neck, but you stopped him, pulling your lips from his with your hands flat against his shoulders.  You told him that night you hadn’t done anything further than that yet and he respected your decision to hold off, apologizing with plump lips and rosy cheeks for his assumptions. 

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