The first

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Scenario: After disappearing for four years, you somehow end up back in your hometown, on the receiving end of some bad news from your parents. Rather than sticking around, you find the old tree house in Ed’s backyard that you used to hang out in. Little did you know, he was home, and looking for answers, and maybe something else as well. First kisses, First times, etc.

I should have just said “no” to my parents. I knew something was up when they called me out of nowhere, inviting me back home for a few days. I should have told them I was busy with work, or class, or my nonexistent lovelife. The last time I came home they spent the entire time talking about how I needed to get out more and then proceeded to set me up on four different dates with sons of some of their friends. Spending an evening with dr.talksalot wasn’t exactly my cup of tea.

            But instead of saying no, My mouth betrayed my brain and uttered a “sure, I’ll come over” over the phone. Fortunately, there were no blind dates, or interventions about me. Unfortunately, my parents had invited me all the way from Boston to tell me they were getting a divorce

            “It’s not your fault” my mother said, her hand on my shoulder.

            “No shit” I replied, brushing her off, “but you guys are so….old”

            “We just aren’t in love anymore” my dad spoke up, “there is no sense of staying together when you’re off at college and we’re here miserable”

            “You couldn’t have just told me over the phone?” I asked, angrily.

            “We didn’t know how you’d react, we wanted to make sure you’re okay” she replied

            “I’m fine. But I’m not getting pulled back and forth by the both of you. I’m not taking anyone’s side, and I’ll visit whoever I want, when I want to” I stated.

Home was the last place I wanted to be right now. I couldn’t stand to hear one more bullshit sentence come out of either one of their mouths. Instead, I grabbed my leather jacket off the back of the chair, throwing it on over my dress, grabbing my bag and heading for the back door.

I lived here until I was 18. I grew up in this neighborhood, next to perfect families with wonderful successful jobs, with kids who were nothing like me. I had no idea where I was going, until I spotted it out of the corner of my eye. Peering over a fence, an old tree house stood in the middle of a yard, built into a tree. I had spent a lot of time in that tree house. Every school party ended up there, every game of truth or dare, every game of spin the bottle, that tree house was the heaven we all spent 7 minutes in. It belonged to a boy I used to know. Knowing that he’s probably off playing a show somewhere made me feel better about sneaking up into it.

I climbed up the ladder attached to the tree house and sat down on the blanket covering the floor. The wooden slats of the floor and sides creaked as I moved around. It was old, but it still felt the same. I closed my eyes for a brief second, before I heard the back door of the house open.

            “Hey, who’s up there” I saw a flashlight seep through the wooden slats, “come down from there, or I’m calling the cops”

             I sighed in frustration, making my way down the ladder, hopping off the last step with my hands in the air

            “Mind not blinding me with the flashlight, buddy?” I said emphasizing the last part of the sentence.

            My name tumbled from his lips in the form of a question, and he moved the beam of light from my face to the ground in front of me

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