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Everything was prepared. You sat outside on your terrace, on the big sofa, the awning shilding your face from the sun. It was the late afternoon and the golden ball would soon make its way downward. The night promised to be cool, but you were huddled in one of Eds hoodies and a pair of jogging bottoms. For now the rays still warmed your face. Two flagons of water stood on the coffee table infront of you, also some bananans, kiwis and, most importantly, the slight greenish clear crystals. They laid there on a plate, shining lightly. You felt excitment, but also, as it always was with drugs, fear and respect were always nagging at your guts. 

You heared the glas door open and looked to your side to see Ed step out barefoot onto the grey stone. He wore pretty much the same as you as befits for a lazy saturday. When he saw you, he smiled and sat down besides you, in his hands he had two mugs filled with something orange. 

"Magnesium." he said, even though you knew. Magnesium was the most important thing of it all. Well, besides the drugs of course. When taking something like Ecstasy or MDMA, your body gets sucked off lots of its magnesium. To help it and beware a nasty hang over, you need to feed it the right things. So you had the magnesium water, lots of clear water and the fruit. 

He handed one of the mugs to you and mock cheered. “To the fun.” he said, grinning like a boy about to do some major mischief, which wasn’t that far off to be honest. 

The greenish crystals were infact illegal in all of the UK. But what was life without a little bit of fun here and there. You and Ed have always been open to the various methods of expancing you senses. As long as you didn’t overdo it, you saw no harm. These were hard drugs though and with them came some rules the both of you had established when you were still in your late teen years. Never do them in public, never at partys, never with more than four people, never with people you don’t know, if one of you was not there, always tell the other, so they knew, don’t do it more then twice a year (the hard drugs at least) and most importantly: Ed was not allowed to buy said drugs. If just one papparazzi or whoever got hold of this and made a headline of it, all he ever worked for could be done and over. Better not risk it. If they cought you, well, that wouldn’t be cool either but there was no argueing about that topic with you. 

You sipped your magnesium water and handed Ed a banana, also peeling one for yourself. The last time you consumed similar drugs was back in Ibiza on a wedding. Over half a year ago. It was a good trip then. Hopefully today will too. 

When both bananas were eaten, Ed leaned in closer and placed a soft kiss right besides your left eye. You could feel the smile on his lips as he whispered in your ear. “Ready?” 

You nodded: “If anything is amiss, say so straight away, ok?” It went never wrong before but with drugs, especially chemical ones, you just could never know. 

He placed his right arm over your shoulder and drew you nearer, while producing a cash card from his pocket to devide the pile of crystals evenly and crush them a little more. 

"Ok." he said and wet his fore finger with his tongue. You did the same and pressed it on your pile, so they stuck to the tip of your finger. You both placed them in your mouth, as far behind as it was possible, for this was probably the most bitter thing you ever tasted. This time too proved no different. You almost gagged and hurried to wash it down with water, Ed mimicking your actions. 

"For real, people invent all kinds of shit but they can not make these taste of strawberries. Why?" he asked, rubbing his hands over his face and sighing deeply. 

Depending on your body weight and how much you’ve eaten through the day the effect may not start well before half an hour to a full hour. 

"And now we wait." you said. "And now we wait." he agreed, slumping back into the sofas cushions. He placed his feet on the table and drew you on top of him, wraping his arms around you.

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