Third Year: Hogwarts Express

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You entered the train for your third year of Hogwarts. You had wanted to sit with Luna, your best friend, but she was talking to Neville and you didn't want to interrupt their heated conversation about plants.

So you kept walking until you got to the last potentially empty compartment. Inside, the golden trio was sitting with a sleeping professor in the corner. As you opened the door, you realized it was full, you were about to leave when Ron grabbed your wrist.

"Hey, it's fine. You can sit with us if you like. Someone clearly wants you to stay." He added, gesturing to Harry, who was gaping at you with wide eyes. You blushed a bit as Hermione waved her hand in his face. Once he snapped out of it he blushed furiously. Not knowing what to say, he patted the seat in between him and professor R.J. Lupin. Even though there was clearly no space, you couldn't say no, so you squeezed yourself in.

He didn't stop staring at you the whole time, which made you slightly uncomfortable, even if he tried to look away so you would't see. To break the tension, Hermione spoke up.

"So, what's your name?" She asked.

"Y/n Y/l/n"

"I'm Hermione Granger."

"Oh, I know who you are. You're the cleverest witch in our year."

Hermione beamed. "Thank you! I'm sure you're good too!"

"Not really." You said modestly. You turned to Ron. "And you're a Weasley!"

He suddenly looked nervous. "Y-You know my family?"

"No, but I've heard of them. I always thought they were the kindest family in the wizarding world. So generous as well." Ron looked relieved.

"So who's your family Y/n? I've never heard of the Y/l/ns before."

"Well, they're all Muggles, and they don't know that Hogwarts is a magic school. If they did, I'd never hear the end of it. They're nice people though."

Harry was still staring at you.

"So, you're the famous Harry Potter. You know, everyone wants to be in your friend group. I'm quite content with Luna's friend group though-"

"Looney has a friend group?!" Ron interrupted before Hermione kicked him in the shin.

You looked at him, annoyed that he called Luna that nickname. "Yes. She has a friend group. Me, Neville and her. Please don't call her that awful nickname again. Anyway, as I was saying, even if you are nice people, I can always be my weird crazy self around her, which I clearly can't be around you." You glared at Ron as you got up to leave, but this time, Harry stopped you, snapping out of his trance. "You can be yourself around us! Ron's just never gotten to know Luna. I'm sure he'd be much more understanding if he knew as much about her as you do." He paused for a moment. "You can hang out with us at dinner if you like." He added awkwardly.

_ "Sorry, I'm a Y/H. I'm only allowed to sit at my house table. But I can pretend to be a Gryffindor so I can sleep in the same place as you guys. I'll need you to lend me a tie though."

"Oh, that's why we haven't seen you before! You're in the Y/H/T house!" Hermione elbowed Ron in the arm.-

"Don't be impolite." She warned him. Then she turned back to you. "We don't hang out much with the other houses, except Slytherin, and that's only because Harry and Malfoy hate each other."

"Because Malfoy's a git!" Ron added.

"He's not that bad. He and I are friends actually. He's actually got a soft side when you get to know him. Don't tell him I said that though." You say Ron's aghast face. "What he said about your family in first and second year was horrible" you added quickly "But I can try to get him to stop saying things like that if you like."

Hermione sighed. "You seem like a nice person. I'm not willing to trust or forgive Malfoy, but we can stop saying bad things about him. Right, Ron?" 

He sighed in defeat. "Fine. Harry?"

Harry looked up from his lap. He had been trying to wrap his head around the fact that this beautiful, kind girl next to him could be friends with a monster like Draco Malfoy.

"Um, I suppose so."      

You put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for what he's said to you, Harry. I really hope we can still be friends." He blushed at the sudden contact. "It's fine. Let's just not talk about it anymore though."

"Okay." You nodded.

Suddenly, the train jolted to a stop, everything went cold, and the lights flickered off. Ron, Hermione and you watched in terror as a grey hand opened the compartment door and started to suck out Harry's soul. Your instinct took over, and you pulled him away from the dementor. Just as you did that, professor Lupin woke up and produced a blue light from his wand, making it go away. Harry screamed in pain and fainted into your lap. You felt cold and sad, and found yourself stroking his hair for comfort. As soon as you realized the weird thing you were doing, you blushed and stopped, just as he sat up, looking dazed and tired. He didn't seem to have noticed, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he looked around. When you saw his crooked glasses, you couldn't help chuckling, in spite of yourself, and nudged them back into place.

"Are you okay?" You asked him worriedly.

"Yeah, I think so. Why did it go away?"

"You can thank me for that." The professor said. "It's called a Patronus Charm." He handed each of them chocolate. "I'm going to have a word with the driver." After almost leaving the compartment he turned back to them. "Eat, you'll feel better." He added, then closed the compartment door and left.

Harry looked worried for a moment. "When I fainted, I heard a woman, screaming."

Hermione looked confused. "No one was screaming Harry."

You thought for a second. "Your mum? That must be one of your worst memories, right?"

"Yes, I think so." He looked down sadly.

"I'm sorry." You said awkwardly, rubbing his back.

By now, the train had arrived at Hogwarts and Hermione and Ron were fed up with both your awkwardness.

"Let's go already!" They said in unison, as they dragged you both out of the compartment.

Author's Note: Hey guys! First chapter! I'm really excited to post the next chapters soon and I'm bubbling over with cheerfulness at the moment, mostly because I don't have a crush on anyone (in real life anyway) at the moment, and let me tell you, I feel so free for a change. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it!


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