Third Year: Hogsmeade

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When the second Hogsmeade trip came round, Harry was prepared. But as he began to walk with the rest of the students under the invisibility cloak, Fred and George saw his footprints and dragged him inside by the arms.

"Guys let me go!"  He exclaimed, struggling.

"Clever Harry." 

"But not clever enough."

"Besides, we've got a better way."

"Guys, come on, I'm trying to get to Hogsmeade!"

"We know. Don't worry, we'll get you there." They said in unison.

"We'll show you a quicker way."

"If you pipe down."

"Let me go, come on guys."

"Aw, bless him."

"Now Harry, come and join the big boys." Fred said, taking off Harry's cloak.

"What are you doing!" He exclaimed.

They shushed him and handed him a piece of parchment.

"What's this rubbish?" He said impatiently.

"What's this rubbish, he says. That there is the secret to our success." Fred explained.

"It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me." 

"But we've decided, your needs are greater than ours. George, if you will."

George took out his wand and pointed it at the paper.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

A map started to appear on the parchment, and Harry read it out.

"Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, are proud to present... The Marauders Map?"

George smiled. "We owe them so much."

Harry opened it.

"Hang on. This is Hogwarts. And that... no. Is that really-"


"In his study."

"Pacing. Does that a lot."

Harry looked down again.

"So you mean this map shows-"



"Everyone." George repeated.

"Where they are."

"What they're doing."

"Every minute."

"Of every day."

Harry smiled and his eyes sparkled.

"Brilliant! Where'd you get it?"

"Nicked it from Filch's office, of course." Fred replied. "First year."

George then proceeded to explain how it works and where everything was.

"Now listen, there are 7 secret passageways out of the castle. We'd recommend,"

"This one." They said at the same time.

"The one-eyed witch passageway. It'll lead you straight to Honeyduke's cellar."

"But you best hurry. Filch is heading this way."

"Oh, and Harry, don't forget. When you're done, just give it a tap and say"

"Mischief managed. Otherwise, anyone can read it." They reminded him, before walking off.


After going through the one-eyed witch passageway, Harry put on his invisibility cloak and exited Honeyduke's, unintentionally getting Neville's lollipop stuck to it as he left. 

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