Third Year: The Quidditch Game

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It was finally time for the game, and you were worrying about Harry, so, before the game started,  you walked into the changing rooms to make sure he was alright.

He was sitting on the bench with his head in his hands, so you sat next to him and put your arm around him, making him jump and look at you.

"Oh, hi." He said, smiling despite the state of worry he was in.

"You okay? You look terrified." You said, rubbing him on the shoulder for comfort. He shrugged.

"I'll be fine." And without knowing what he was saying, he added, "But I'd be better with a kiss."

Screaming at himself on the inside, he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Chuckling at his sudden confidence, you kissed him softly on the cheek and walked out of the changing room, leaving him sitting there, flustered and grinning like an idiot.


The quidditch game was horrible. Harry started out happy and confident (can you guess why?), but quickly grew frustrated. The Hufflepuff seeker had just gotten struck by a lightning bolt, and he saw the same black dog in the clouds. Then, everything went cold, and he was suddenly surrounded by lots of dementors. Fainting, he started falling to the ground, and the last thing he heard was a scream.


Waking up to a familiar smell and the bright lights of the hospital wing, he carefully sat up, looking around. There, on the right side of his bed, you lay slumped on a chair, with your head resting on the bed. He looked at you there, asleep, and smiled to himself. It was clear that you hadn't left his side since the accident, because leftovers of a piece of toast were left on the bedside table. He reached out a hand and started shaking you gently.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" You stirred and opened your eyes slightly.

"Well, I am now." You mumbled groggily, before realizing you weren't in bed. 

Blinking, you sat up properly.

"Harry! You're alive!" You threw yourself into his arms, landing on top of him by accident. "Sorry, sorry!" You apologised, rolling over so that you were lying on your side looking at him. He chuckled.

"What happened, by the way?"

"Well, you fainted, and then Hufflepuff won the game, because Cedric Diggory, their seeker, somehow managed to get back on his broom after the lightning, and grabbed the snitch before he realized you had fallen. He tried to call a rematch, but they didn't let him. Also, your broom kind of... broke." You said hurriedly. 

His face fell and he looked sad. You hugged him from the side, but this time, the hug was so long that you ended up falling asleep again, one hand on his chest and your legs on top of his. He blushed and patted your head awkwardly, before starting to stroke your soft H/C hair and falling asleep himself.


You woke up to a camera flashing in your face. You looked up to see Colin Creevley, pointing his camera at you and looking pleased with himself. He ran off before you could ask him any questions, so you just assumed that he wanted a picture of The Chosen One as a souvenir.

You felt someone stir next to you, and saw that Harry was still hugging you as he woke up. 

Only when you looked up did you realize how close your faces were. You both started blushing as you moved your face away, sitting up against the pillow as he did the same.

Not a huge chapter, but a lot's going on right now. Hope you enjoyed!


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