Third Year: The sunrise

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After that day, you and the golden trio became friends, so it was less awkward between you and Harry.

One day, you were walking with your friends through the halls when Draco ran up to you.

"Y/n, can I talk to you, alone please?" You nodded and said goodbye to your friends, following him up to the astronomy tower.

"So I've been thinking, and, I really like you a lot. So can you be my girlfriend?" You had no idea what to say.

"I'm so sorry Draco... I don't feel the same way." You looked at him sadly.

"Why not?"

"I have feelings for someone else Draco. I'm sorry." You reached for his hand but he ripped it away.

"It's Potter, isn't it?"

"I hope we can still be friends?" That's when he snapped.


You were silent as you sat down to process what just happened.


You had been sitting there for a while when you heard someone coming up the stairs. By now it was way past curfew, but you were too sad to care.

Harry sat down next to you and saw your teary eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked quietly, wiping them away with his thumb.

He put his arm around you and you told him all about it. Once you finished you lay your head on his shoulder and fell asleep. He smiled softly at you.


You woke up to a familiar smell and bright light hitting your eyes. You realized you were leaning on someone, so you sat up to see who it was. When you looked up, raven hair and sparkly green eyes met yours.

"Harry?" You asked, not remembering anything that happened.

"You fell asleep after telling me about Draco." He explained carefully.

"Oh." It all came flooding back. The anger, the hurt, the guilt you couldn't stop feeling.

Harry noticed and chuckled slightly. "Malfoy's a git, though I get why he likes you. You're kind, and sweet, and always willing to help people. But he's a horrible person for shouting at you."

You blushed at his words.

After that you sat in comfortable silence watching the sunrise, dreading the moment when you would have to leave.


Your first class of the day was Care of Magical Creatures, where Hagrid was waiting in a clearing to show Buckbeak. Everyone was standing watching him nervously, even Harry looked terrified. You, on the other hand, were in awe. He was the most beautiful creature you had ever seen. When Hagrid asked who wanted to stroke him, you and Harry were the only ones who didn't step back, making you look like you volunteered, which you were fine about, but Harry was not.

"Well done Y/n and Harry!" You both moved forward and bowed. Buckbeak took an immediate liking to you, nudging your hand onto his beak and looking at you with his magnificent golden eyes. Harry stroked the other side of his head and you both smiled. 

"Looks like yeh ready to ride him now." Hagrid said, suddenly lifting you and Harry onto Buckbeak's back. You weren't complaining, but, behind you, Harry certainly was.

As you soared higher and higher you whooped with glee. 

"Woohoo! Come on Harry, it's wonderful!" Buckbeak lurched forward suddenly, causing Harry to grab onto your waist without thinking, butterflies errupting in both your stomachs. He blushed furiously, relieved that you couldn't see his face. 

You started to relax, leaning your back against his chest while you threw your arms out , enjoying the feeling of the wind in your face.

Everyone clapped as you jumped of Buckbeak's back and onto Harry's, making him almost fall with the sudden weight.

"Hey!" He laughed as you flopped off and beamed at him.

You didn't notice how close Draco was to Buckbeak until you heard him say in an arrogant voice: "You're harmless, aren't you, you great ugly brute?" He smirked, confidently walking towards the hippogriff.

As you saw him rear up, your instinct took over, and you ran in front of Draco to shield him, making Buckbeak back away and calm down. You turned to Draco, who was lying on the ground behind you, looking at you in shock. You reached out a hand to help him up.

"You okay?" You asked as you pulled him up. He was still gaping at you.

"Y-yeah. You?"

"Yep, I'm fine." You smiled at him.

"Can I- talk to you for a second?" He asked, looking down at his feet.

"Of course!" You turned around just as Harry, Hermione and Ron trapped you in a bone-crushing hug. When they let go, Ron gave Draco a menacing look. "Anything happens to her, and I will end you." Draco looked terrified, but not because of Ron's words, but by Hermione's deathly stare from behind him.

"Come on." You grabbed him by the arm and steered him away from the group. Once you were outof earshot, he threw his arms around you and sobbed into your shoulder. Surprised by his action, you awkwardly stroked his back to comfort him.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, not letting go. "I was under a lot of stress and I cracked. I shouldn't have shouted at you, please forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you, you idiot!" You laughed, pulling back slightly. "Besides, I definitely need someone to give advice to. Hermione says I went a little overboard trying to help her all the time." You both chuckled, and then, something unexpected happened. You both leaned in and your lips met in a light kiss.

You both smiled. "Let's just stay friends." You said in unison, laughing.  

Author's Note: Second chapter! I'm very excited for the next one, but it's going to be a bit angsty so keep that in mind. Also, don't worry, Draco and Y/n are not getting together, so if you're looking for a Draco fanfiction, you may go somewhere else (there are hundreds, I know from experience). Anyway, hope you enjoyed it! 


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