Third Year: Like a sister

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Meanwhile, Harry had watched your interaction with Draco carefully, making sure he wouldn't hurt you again. Then, he saw you both kiss. His eyes went wide and his throat closed up. Trying to stay calm, he kept close attention to what you did next. When you smiled and laughed with Draco, he immediately thought the worst. Full of rage and jealousy, he stormed off back to Hogwarts. When he got to his dorm he slammed it shut and slid down the wall.

You can't cry here. He thought to himself. The boys will be back any minute. 

So he ran out of the dorm and the common room as quickly as possible.

Back in the clearing with Buckbeak, you wandered back to Ron and Hermione and wondered where Harry was. You were about to ask when Ron grabbed your shoulders as he shook them.

"You just KISSED DRACO FUCKING MALFOY!" He shouted, still shaking your shoulders violently.

"Yes... And?" You asked, not really seeing his point.

Hermione whispered so softly you could barely hear. "Are you together now? Harry won't like this." That was when you got really confused.

"What? No, I'm not together with Draco, we decided to stay friends, and why is Harry not going to like this?" You paused, looking around. "Where is he anyway?"

Ron let go of your shoulders, exasperated. "I don't know. He stormed off when he saw you and Draco. Seriously though, why did you kiss our worst enemy?!"

You frowned, ignoring his question. What did any of this have to do with Harry? "I'm going to find him." You said firmly, ignoring Ron's protests, as you walked quickly towards the castle.


You searched everywhere. Eventually, you got to the astronomy tower. There he was, sitting on the edge, tears in his eyes.

You put your arm around his shoulders and squeezed him tightly. "Explain please."

He took a deep breath, his face still puffy from crying. "I'm just worried. About the upcoming Quidditch match, and the dementors." He lied.

You didn't believe him, but you knew that if it was important, he'd tell you sooner or later.

"Just so you know, me and Draco aren't together. We decided to just stay friends." Harry was relieved but tried to hide it.

"Good." He said. "You're like a sister to me." You were heartbroken at his words but hid it well. You got up and pulled him up with you, running towards the Gryffindor common room as it started to rain. "Come on! Let's go!" You shouted over the wind, ignoring the sinking feeling in your chest.


Back in the common room, you, Hermione, Ron and Harry sat in front of the fire.

"Why would you hide like that?" Hermione asked, staring worriedly at Harry.

"He's scared of the dementors." You said, trying to hide the disappointment in your voice, but Hermione heard it.

"I'm going to bed." She proclaimed. "Y/n, you coming?" You got the hint, side-hugging Harry and Ron goodnight and going up to the dorm room you and Hermione shared. _(You had special permission from Dumbledore to pretend to be a Gryffindor, as long as no one except your closest friends knew)-

The second the door shut though, Hermione looked at you expectantly.


"Tell me. Is there any chance that you are annoyed that Harry didn't get jealous when you and Draco kissed?"

"No..." You said uncertainly, sitting next to her on your bed. "And I'm not confessing anything until you admit that you like Ron. I saw that hand-holding in Care of Magical Creatures." You smirked. "So pester me all you want, but you're not getting a confession until I get one." She huffed and fell backwards onto the bed.

"Fine, but since classes have finished for today, can we invite Luna and Ginny over for a sleepover?" You usually did this on Thursday nights, so you nodded and sent an invitation to Luna. Ginny was right next door, so you just knocked on the wall between the two dorms and, two minutes later, all four of you were lazing about talking. Luna was sat at the window seat, staring out at the moonlit sky, Ginny was using Hermione's desk chair to roll around the room, you were sitting cross-legged on the floor and Hermione was on her back on the bed, for once not doing schoolwork.

"So Y/n" Luna started, still gazing dreamily out of the window. "What/s going on with you and Harry?"

Ginny zoomed towards you on the wheely chair and got all excited.

"Yeah, last time I saw you two together, you were having the time of your life on Buckbeak. But then you kissed Draco and he got jealous. Does he like you? Do you like him?"

You sighed and flopped onto the floor dramatically. "He loves me..." You paused for effect, as everyone held their breath. "As a sister." You finished, as they all stared at you in disbelief. Hermione shook her head.

"Nope. He does not. I won't believe it until I hear it coming from his mouth." You sighed again. "He told me when I found him in the astronomy tower. If you don't believe me, then..." You suddenly had a brilliant idea, and you jumped up with a mischievous look in your eyes. "I'll have to show you." You said, bounding out of the room with the girls running after you.

"What do you mean?" Ginny called, but you shushed her as you disappeared behind the boy's dormitory door. You came out holding Harry's invisibility cloak, which you quickly enlarged by whispering "Engorgio!", then draped around you and the girls as you led them towards Dumbledore's office. You were very chummy with him, meaning you had some favouritism privileges _(part of the reason that he let you pretend to be a Gryffindor)-, including knowing his office password. He was asleep upstairs so you easily opened his Pensieve and began the spell. It wasn't as if you wanted to relive the memory, but you needed to show your friends, or they'd never stop teasing you and giving you hope that Harry might like you. Because he didn't. So you all dipped your heads into the Pensieve and watched the moment again. When you finished everyone looked at you sympathetically as you walked back to your dorm. But when you got back, their faces returned to disbelief.

Together, you all sat in a circle on the floor and you realized you had been crying. Ginny suddenly asked, "So does this mean you like him?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"Well it doesn't matter now, does it? It's not like he likes me back." 

Hermione frowned. "I still don't believe what he said was true."

"Leave it 'Mione." You sighed for the third time that night. Then you clapped your hands together decisively. "But I am not letting boy problems ruin our sleepover. I have plenty of things to ask you all." You got up and grabbed a bowl of popcorn, putting it in the middle of your circle (which now looked more like a square). "You first Luna. What's going on with Rolf?"

She looked down at her lap, blushing. "Nothing's going on, we're just friends Y/n."

"Yeah, like Ronniekins and 'Mione are friends." Ginny butted in, adding air quotes to the word friends. Hermione shot her a look and 'hmphed'.

"It's true 'Mione." You said, grinning at her look of embarrassment.

"It is not!" She suddenly shouted, throwing a pillow at your head, and running away as you chased her with it. Ginny joined in, throwing one at you and then Hermione, and then, to everyone's surprise, Luna threw one at your head. You froze and looked at her. "This is war!" You bellowed, and you all started throwing pillows at each other and bursting into fits of giggling and screaming.

And just like that, your worries disappeared. 

Author's Note: In this chapter, I wanted to add a bit more friendship so I thought it could be cool that Ginny, Hermione, Luna and Y/n have sleepovers since those three are my favourite girl students of Hogwarts. I have a best friend just like this, so I thought it would be cute to write.

Let me know if you want more friendship-type chapters, and put a smiley face in the comments if you have a friend like this.

Hope you liked it!


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