What's Anime?

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The days was pretty boring. The sun was still out so the Murder Drones had to stay in and Uzi was working on her Railgun to somehow make it even more powerful than it already is. V who's still tied up but stuck to a chair this time sat opposite to N, who was setting cards on the table.

"Aha!" the lovable idiot(this is an actual thing, watch the pilot closer and you'll see what I mean) murder drone voiced out.

"What the hell are you doing? You just set the cards on the deck and said 'Aha!'."

"I dont know, I'm just trying to make this awkward silence moment a bit more interesting." the only male drone confessed.

"Look Stud, unless killing that worker over there!" she stated the with murderous intent as she stared at Uzi. "I can hear you, you know?!" the female worker responded. 

"I DONT CARE!!! Like I was saying before I was RUDELY INTERRUPTED, unless we're killing that worker, I think we're gonna be sitting here and die out of boredom eventually."

"Hhmmm." N put his fingers on his cheek as he began to think of something until something came into his mind. He recalled it was something Uzi talked to herself about when they were battling.

"I have an idea! Uzi, you said something about pirating anime, what's anime?" he asked with his curiosity meter going over 9000. "The hell is anime?" V asked with her head cocked in confusion.

Uzi's eyes widened in shock, absolutely baffled by their lack of knowledge about one of the only good things humanity created. "You're kidding right?"

The Murder Drones both shook their head in unison.

The female worker drone gasped in shock. "You poor children you haven't lived!" she said dramatically. V rolled her eyes before muttering out "Pretty sure we're older than you, but okay."

"Shush!" Uzi stated as she put her robotic index finger on V's lips. It took V every ounce of willpower to not bite the worker's finger off.

"I will show you what living is really like." she said as her face screen went blank before displaying a few files that she was scrolling through. "Ooh, this one looks nice."

The three drones then spent the rest of the day burning through a few of the many animes Uzi pirated across her life.

The marathon had to be cut short due to V wanting to see if she could get the same reaction from N by doing a certain thing that a caped bald character did to an unfortunate ninja in one of the animes that Uzi showed them.

The result of that: There was more screaming than warnings for revenge, that's for sure. (If drones can have babies, they can have you know whats.)

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