Chapter Two: I Like You?

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After I text Kylie I was so happy as she actually responded I really liked Kylie even though she is classed as a nerd I thought she was really pretty and cute so kind hearted and very accepting. She wasn't as judge mental as the other girls she has friends but only a few and I wanted to make her realise that even though she may be spoke to as nothing I love her with all of my heart and no one can change that. 'DANNNN' oh great Amber what do you want 'Hey sexy wanna go somewhere private' her voice ever so dreamy 'No I'm fine thank you' I replied innocently 'FINE YOU STUPID PEICE IF SHIT' she screamed my brother Aiden walked past looking slightly concerned. With that she stormed out of my room I decided to text Holly my best friend 'Hey wuu2 r u busy' within seconds she replied 'No I'm free y?' I then typed into the chat 'Can u do me a favour' 'Yh sure wat is it' she said 'I need u to go up to Kylie and tell her to meet me at the park at 5pm tomorrow after school' 'AWE A DATE yh sure ;)' I laughed at her childish behaviour I went down stairs grabbed myself some pizza and fell asleep on the couch.

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