22- Afraid

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Kookie's POV

Since my house was next the palace, I preferred to return to the palace each night as I prepared for the wedding. However, for the next 3 days, I won't come here.

I locked the door of my room and walked away. On my way out, the guards and maids would congratulate me for my wedding, making me bow my head and smile at them until I was met by him.


Honestly, I never liked or hated that man, but all I could I say that he feels suspicious. He would get out in the night and send letters to God knows who via his eagle.

I have no idea whether Jimin is aware of this or no, but I will catch him one day.

"Congrats Kookie!" Hoseok said with a smile, putting his hand on my shoulder which wasn't for my liking.

I jerked, making him retract his hand and clear his throat.

"If you have nothing more to say, I will leave," I stated after 2 minutes of awkward silence.

"Wait! Are you going to attend the wedding like that?" He pointed at my hanbok which obviously wasn't the wedding's.

"What do you want Hoseok?" I asked, checking him from head to toe which made me notice how prepared he was to attend an occasion, a wedding for example.

"Take me with you," he held my hand.

"Yah, yah! You aren't invited," I pulled my hand from his.

"That's not fair. You invited Yoongi-"

"I didn't." I raised my eyebrow as his parted lips couldn't say more.

"Man, come on. Don't be like this! We are friends, right?" He titled his head as I blinked.

Prince Taehyung ordered me once to try to make friends with him, and honestly, that was the only reason for me to speak to him.

"We are still in the process," I corrected.

"Exactly, so I should attend your wedding. It's the perfect opportunity to tighten our bond!" He looked at me with his puppy eyes, and I found myself unable to refuse.

"Fine, whatever!" I said and walked away as he followed me in delight.

Before leaving, I saw the prince with Jimin. They were in a conversation that seemed to be quite serious, but whatever the circumstances were, I wasn't planning on stopping. I returned my gaze to the road in front of me and left the palace.

"Sure you didn't want to say bye? You wouldn't be able to see him for 3 days," Hoseok remarked.

"D-Don't want to bother him," I stuttered, failing to hide my emotions.

We hadn't spoken for 3 days, and if I added the next 3 days as well, it would be a total of 6 days.

I would spend a whole week without exchanging even few words with the prince. Would I be able to actually handle this?

Reaching for my earnings, I kept caressing it. My queen, prince Taehyung cares about me, right! My place at the palace won't be taken, right!

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