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Jimin's POV

"Taehyung!" I played with my chubby small fingers as I listened to my dad. I was sitting on my bed along with mum and dad. My 13-old brain was trying to process what dad had just said.

"Do you hear me, Jimin?" dad growled, making me raise my head.

I looked at both mum and dad as they were glaring at me. I bit my lower lip and said, "Taehyung is a boy's name. Why'd I marry a man?"

I closed my eyes and continued with my shaky voice, "Mum is married to dad. A woman and a man, so why am I going to marry a boy like me?"

Suddenly, I felt pain on my right cheek. I hissed and squeezed my clothes. Grabbing my dress, dad gritted his teeth and yelled with a low voice, "This is your duty as the prince."

My body trembled and tears streamed from my eyes, but I was fed up. Do this and don't do that. Why can't I be free? Why can't I do what I want?

"I-I don't u-understand. I-I don't und-derstand," I stuttered as tears rolled over my cheeks. Dad frowned and threw me hard on the bed then both of them exited the room, slamming the door behind them.

As I cried silently, I hit the mattress with all my strength. It was unfair to me. I wanted to speak and say no, but I was terrified of dad, and deep inside me, I knew that I deserved all of these sufferings. Sniffing, I put my hand on my mouth because I didn't want anyone to hear.

Before I knew it, someone knocked on the door. I was paralyzed in my place.

"My princess!" Hoseok's voice brought more tears. Not replying made him barge into the room. I raised my head. As soon as he saw my condition, he closed the door and rushed towards me.

Sitting, I jumped in his embrace. I buried my head in his chest. He didn't move and kept standing like a statue.

"Hoseok, what am I?" I sniffed.

"A young lady, my princess," He whispered. I pushed him lightly and extended my hands, touching his chest. It was flat just like mine.

"Are you a young lady?" I asked. 

His eyes moved away from mine and said, "No, I'm a young man." 

I clenched my hands into fists, saying "Hoseok, what is the duty of a prince?"

"A prince?" he repeated in confusion then directed his gaze to me as he added, "To protect his people."

I pulled my hands away from his chest, and I let more tears escape from my eyes.

"My princess, wake up," I slowly opened my eyes to see Kookie-as Tae calls him, standing in front of me. He backed a little as I sat up while brushing my hair backwards.

"W-What?" I mumbled, feeling somehow grateful that he woke me up.

"Go and sleep next to my prince."

"Huh?" my face went blank, confused from his words. I looked at prince Taehyung. He is sleeping?

I smirked after becoming aware of what Kookie had just done. That servant woke me up because I am not his master!

A sigh escaped my lips, but I couldn't deny that because of his arrogance, I was able to escape from my nightmare.

"Don't be too close to him. He might puke," he warned.

My body tensed, but I just nodded. Honestly speaking, I was glad that he'd puke if I got closer because that meant he would never touch me.

For me, the cold treatment would be better than to be touched by him. However, a flashback from yesterday crossed my mind, making me remember that look in his eyes. He looked at me as if I was his girl for a second, but then he seemed to remember that I was actually a man.

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