Chapter 1

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After mindlessly staring at my popcorn ceiling for six consecutive hours I suddenly had my first coherent thought.

"I really want Taco Bell."

And thus I began my journey for greasy diabetes in a tortilla. Walking out of my house I suddenly had my first issue. I didn't have a car.

I found a beat down van in the middle of an empty parking lot. I continued by smashing the window and to reach my hand inside the van and unlocking the door. Thus another problem has come, I don't know how to drive.

Deciding that the quickest and fastest way to learn how to drive was right there, I turned to God for help.


Now having the power and the literal wisdom of God at my fingertips, I hotwired the busted up white van. Tuning out the muffled noises coming from the back, I continue onwards for my god damn burritos.

On the way, I broke thirty different laws, varying from vehicular manslaughter to driving too slow, and became best friends with a homeless alcoholic, named fishnet, turns out the alcoholic also wanted taco bell, so I let him hitchhike.

Now allied with fishnet and the kidnapped child in the backseat, completing the needed main characters, we were ready to have to get our greasy burritos and have diarrhea afterwards.

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