Chapter 4

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It was beautiful outside, a dark sky flooded with bright stars. Taco Bell trash bag and I sat in a dark alleyway on our picnic blanket.

It had been a couple of weeks since we had begun a very serious relationship with each other, and this was our 456th date. We wanted to make it special unlike all the others that ended up with us pole dancing and inhaling unhealthy amounts of Quesaritos with tequila.

I sigh with content, I go to open the picnic basket but I reach forward at the same time as Taco Bell trash bag, his gloved white hands accidentally make contact with my own. His face began to flash a deep foaming green, like seaweed.

Speaking of weed, Taco Bell trash bag pulls out a Ziploc bag it was full and inside of it had varying amounts of magic mushrooms to Fly agarics. The picnic basket also contained various drugs, from under the counter medication to whatever drugs your little baby head could come up with.

Reaching into my back pocket I pull out a lighter and pull a couple of joints out of my ass. Handing one to Taco Bell trash bag, I then proceeded to lighting his joint up, then lighting up my own. We spend the night together high as fuck. Reaching limits that should have probably killed us, but we didn't care we were madly in love <3

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