Chapter 5

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After blacking out in the alleyway for four days straight I finally woke up to see Taco Bell trash bag nowhere to be seen.. The only thing I see is a pile of empty Ziploc bags on top of a picnic basket and a random trash bag lying next to me.

Where had the love of my love gone? Did he leave me for another hot milf that can do the little lad dance? Did he leave me for another hot ass?

Heartbroken and confused, I ran back to Little Big Tillies' trash bin to see if Taco Bell trash bag was still there, but he was not there. I searched all day and yet, I couldn't find him. After a long day of crying while performing at the club I go home and rest.

The love of my life is missing and I feel incomplete, this hollow of emptiness fills my entire chest and I can feel my heart ache with each second that passed by without Taco Bell trash bag. I miss the familiar smell of gases and mold assaulting my sense of smell when I cuddled with Taco Bell trash bag. The warmth it gave me was like an old smelly pissed stained blanket.

my little piss baby... <3

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