*chapter one*

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     As the faded lights turn on around the lost City of the end, a kingdom that has a low chance of being found by the over and nether creature's, so it was safe and peaceful in the kingdom as two kings rule over the land.
     A male, void black skin with red bloody Ruby eyes and with white snowly hair that was neatly braided around his shoulder, named Kaito Beloved.
    And a male, with white snowly skin that is spotted with black feckles that linger around the ears and under the forest green eyes. And the void black hair that lays near his shoulders. He was called Lotus End.
   These two ruled over the kingdom for a least 10 years maybe more since then returned after a mission in the over world. Since they were both males there was still a way to have kids but they use ender cells. A type of liquid that doesn't harm the ender men's skin but helps mature the baby grow without a female and it acts like a womb for the males, as long as mother of the baby's is alive they will live until they are ready to hatch out of the cell? I guess.
    The Royal Family rules with care and justice, and the citizens will kill any who threatened the Royal Family even if it's their own cubs. They will protect them with their lives.
   At the moment the oldest children are Keavnth, looks like Kaito but has the forest green eyes, shares it with Dream that is the second oldest then the oldest female Asena that looks like Lotus with red eyes, and then is the twins. One is looks like Lotus but with white snowly hair, and the other looks like Kaito with dark hair and red eyes that has no name yet( I'll let you decide the names for them if you like)
   Then there is the youngest twins Ranboo and Zora, Zora was like Lotus but her snowly hair was faded into black at the ends, her eyes are the opposite of Ranboo's eyes.
    As the citizens of the city start to wake up and start their daily task, and the kids play around the roads of the city or towns that lay on the outskirts of the city.
    Today was the day that the Royal Family goes to the over world to have a meeting with the over world Royal Family. But this was before Ranboo and Zora born and that dream, Keavnth, we're 5 years old, Asena was 4 and the twins are 3 years old. Kaito and Lotus was going to the over to meet king Sclatt to arranged a marriage between the next kids of but family's if there are a twin, the first is born of the twin is the one to be arranged with the other.
     The day was young in the over world and it has been so long that they have been to the over world and will soon bring their kids to see the beauty of the land. Dream was already arranged to a marriage to the nether son, technobalde. They had met and got along well but still had a long time to go to keep the peace between the kingdoms.
     "Ah king Kaito and King Lotus it is nice to finally meet you here in my kingdom, what do you need to come from the end? " Schlatt question but he knew the answer to it. " we are here to arrange a marriage between our next child with yours." Lotus said coldly and a bit skeptical of being in the other kings home.
    "Of course king Lotus. We can arrange that, when do you want them to meet? " he raised his eyebrow and a smirk placed on his face. "7, they will meet at the age of 7 alright, but if it happens to be a male that is born first what would you do King Schlatt? " Kaito asked knowly that a male will be born before the female making him older then the female. "That is fine, I suppose and as long their is peace this kingdom and yours. Now if you don't mind King Kaito and Lotus, I have work to do." He says as get got up to grab a stack of papers to work on.
    "Good, and far well we would would met again soon King Schlatt." They got up and left in a puff of purple Particles, that was left behind.
"Finally they are gone, now to do this fucking done. " he sat down at his chair and began to work.
      At the end city
   "Mama and papa back! " shirked dream as he drags keaventh with him passing asena and the twins. Dream push open the doors to the main Hall and there was standing Kaito and lotus. "MAMA, PAPA" the 5 of them yelled out as the guards smiled at the reunion but closed the doors to give the family privacy. But not even 10 minutes that a young female rush though the door, panting and taking to get out words. "Kenas are you alright and is wrong I thought you were supposed to be in nursery with th- doing something happen to them!?" When he realized he started to paint inside and teleported to the Royal nursing room with the Royal cells but as soon as he enter the room when he teleporte. He stopped dead in his tracks as tears started to form in his eyes, he gently walked towards the cells that carry his almost new born cubs/kids.
      Lotus teleport into the room as painted because Kaito left in a hurry but realized the situation as he noticed how Kaito was on the ground near the cell that were supposed to carry the newborn cubs of his and Kaito but they weren't in there, soon there was a soft cry that came from Kaito but he wasn't crying out it....was... They were finally here, Ranboo and zora, that was their names when they were going to be born... "Lotus, my love.. They are here now" Kaito turned around slowly with both newborns in his arms, he had years in his eyes and he, himself had tears as he went to kaito. Putting his arms around them carefully, today was a good day for the Royal family.

10/29/21- Friday 11:29pm

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