*chapter two*

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Before we start this chapter, I wanted to thank the first people who had read my story and I hope that you enjoy what I write, even if it's a bit of people it makes me happy to know that someone likes my writhing. Thank you and let's get on with the chapter.

It had been two weeks since ranboo and Zora had been born and the word of the new twins had reach the ends of the land, knowing the the Royal blood line will be thriving though the years to come. The people of the end had been celebrating that newborns birth and will be until a full month had pass since their birth.
   But not always everyone is happy for the new twins of the beloved family, they will wait until the right time comes until then they stay well hidden from being suspicious to anybody that might rat them out.
  And that is not only the good news in the 3 dimensions, a Royal son had also been born just 2 days ago when the twins were a week and 5 days old. The oldest of the twins will be married off to the prince that was born in the over world to make a peace treaty between the two kingdoms. Both kingdoms hope for the best that the two being wed will get along with each other so no blood shed will be spilled.
  But they aren't the only ones that was aranged a wedding, the second oldest of the beloved family, Prince Dream the oldest below his brother Kenveath, was wedded to Prince Technoblade or Techno for short from the nether kingdom. They had both meet and got along well but how long will it last? They hope for the best for all of the kingdoms if they want to survive in this harsh world of there's.
   But along that, to the Royal Family

The light steps of the oldest siblings not wanting to wake their parents or their new siblings that were fast asleep in their rooms, each going off to do their own things, they may be young but they were smart then they do look. "Do you think this is going to sacred them? " asked dream not wanting to spook his siblings and getting in trouble by their parents, being grounded from visiting to nether kingdom to see techno, he didn't want that. "I don't think so, but we want to see their reaction, don't you dream? " ask the older twins. " kinda but they are still young,... " dream stayed silent for a bit before continuing speaking, " I'm out, I'm not going to get into trouble because of you, if you need me for REAL stuff then I'll be at my room. And don't come to me when your in trouble that's on you. " he quickly teleported after the sentence came out of his mouth.

"Come on let's go, before you chicken o-" he got cuff off when kaito picked him open from the back of his shirt. "What was that? " he asked as he looked at both of them, Lotus who seemed not to know what was happening, was rubbing his left eye before he spoke" now what's happening here, kaito why are they into of ranboo and zoras room? "He asked tiredly, now fully awake.
" hmm..? " hummed kaito not really paying attention to the question, had let go of the shirt and went inside the room as small but clear whimpers of the woken ranboo and Zora.
" go now before you get grounded by your mother.. " lotus said as he sighed before going into the room with kaito to get the kids to be fed. The older twins quickly left down the hallway as the dim lights of the lanterns, even if there is dim light you are able to see fine in the kingdom.
"Dream, breakfast is ready. Now come on before your food gets cold" lotus called out in the hallway near Dreams room, as dream's ears perked up to his fathers voice, he quickly got ready and putting a book he was reading on the night stand. He left his room and quickly down the stairs not wanting to teleport but to enjoy walking thought the castle hallway and the silence.

After the breakfast had been over, the family went into their routines for the day so they can have extra time for the evening to have family time if not all is busy, today was lotus job to look after ranboo and Zora and the other twins as kaito does the paper work of the kingdom. Asena was busy in the garden as keveanth and dream were nagging at each other about something that leads them to nag about something completely else. It was quite normal for them to do that since that like to brag about themselves to each other. While that was happening ranboo and Zora was playing in their pen area and the other twins were drawing something or asking stuff from their father louts, who seem tired of their questions and went to ranboo and zoras pen area to get them on bed of his and kaitos, he carefully put them down onto the bed since they were already sleeping, he just decided there and then that he is also going to nap with them.

* in the over world kingdom with Prince Tubbo*

Queen Puffy was taking care of the newborn Tubbo who had fallen asleep in her arms while she was singing him to sleep and trying her best from not disturbing Schaltt from his work, she was in the room most of the time doing her own study on different types of creatures while Tubbo was in his crib fast asleep with his bee plushing that puffy got for his birth. Just a few weeks prior, the plushing got her attention while going around the town looking for something to give for her newborn son that was soon to be born, so she got him a bee plushing.
When Tubbo was born, she knew that she will try her hardest to be a good mother to him so he doesn't feel like he was alone in the world but she knew he would hope to find love with the person he was arranged to marry, she hoped that they will not harm her child. She had to give hope to King Kaito and Lotus that they will raise their children well. But of course she can not think of the future and focus on the present.

Tuesday- 11/2/21 10:28 p.m.
I hope you had enjoyed this chapter and to see you next time!

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