*chapter four*

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( sorry I didn't publish in like more then 8 days when its only supposed to be like 3 days apart. And thank you for the views and hope you in joy)

That nightmare was just a few months ago but it had still haunted kaito for a while and he was glad that lotus was with the newborns instead of his office where he had fallen asleep.

He didn't tell lotus about the nightmare, he didn't want none of his family to worry about him. He had always put others before him, that was the thing that made him a wonderful king. He'll risk himself for his family and people, the is why his citizens would even hunt down those who hurt him and the rest of the Royal Family. The people of his kingdom idol him, like if he was a god or angel, it was just someone they deeply care for.
At the moment lotus and his other kids were with the newborns who just turned 8 months old, a few days ago. Tonight he would spend the night with them for dinner, he really wasn't there since he was busy with the Royal work but he works to make time for a few days for his family. When he was too tired lotus would take care of it while kaito went to spend time with their kids or sleep for a while so he doesn't pass out randomly. Kaito first refused the offer when he took the throne after his father, but lotus would force him to sleep until he gets enough sleep so he can watch over kaito so kaito won't push his limits. Lotus would bring the work into their room onto the desk they have, while he worked and looked after the sleeply kaito for the next few hours. He also did it when Keavneth and dream were born. Now it was just a regular thing to told even 3 weeks they will switch places to do the royal work, their kids gotten used to the switch and they knew how hard their parents worked just to make time for them. They didn't care if their parents didn't give them time but they knew that their parents will do anything to protect them even if they need to be distant with them.
Tonight they were in the royal dinning room, that was set up for the family, the lights in the room glowed like the moon light as if the moon can light the whole room but it was enough to be see the family and the guards who also eats when they dine. The had never left their soldiers to starved, they will have snacks and their meals taken to them so they wouldn't suffer from starvation. The soldiers was separated by night and day. Each goes at 12 changing there places, enough to sleep, rest, and vist family/ friends, and to return to their next post of that day or night. The family was eating while the guards stood outside the doors of the dinning room, they to were eating something for a snack. When the family finished eating they all got up and cleaned their place making it easy for the maids who collect the dishes. Kaito was holding ranboo while lotus had zora, they went to clean the 8 month old cubs. After they were clean from their food, they were put to sleep for the night while kaito and lotus were showing in ender water. A type of liquid that doesn't harm them, they were just finsshing changing they heard something crash into the ground... Glass. The... THE KIDS. kaito ran out of his bathroom and ran into the room, his hair was damp, he didn't have his shirt so he was shirtless but he didn't care his kids maybe hurt, but the moment he enter the garuds were pushing back the intruders and his new cubs were whimpering, they start it by whimpering then crying but they were being comforted by dream who seem to be in the room. Blood.. Lotus came from the right with end sword as he attacked the strangers from behind. Dream was holding his younger siblings and he seem to be injured from the arm, kaito went to dream and grab his kids as they teleport to another part of the castle away from the fight. Asena his oldest daughter was running with her other siblings going to the safe place but stopped and ran to kaito direction with the others following, Keavneth was now carrying ranboo while dream still had zora with the help of asena. "Please go.. Keep each other safe, you'll have each other so don't leave your siblings until everything is ok.. I'll come back for you now go. " kaito said as he was kneeling down at his children, he hugged them before leaving to go fight with lotus and the guards. He teleport to his mate and the guards who was protecting his kids harm more harm, he had already had his sword out as he was just there.




Moments had passed since their mother left, they had reached the safe room where the barrier only aloud the kids in and the parents, the guards who stood their had open the door when they saw them running down the hallway, they knew the moment they saw the royal kids that something bad had happen. Another reason they knew is because Prince dream was bleeding from the arm as he just had a cloth over it making the bleeding to slow down a bit.

But he was slowly dragging, he had given zora to asena as he barely stay awake so they quickly tend to his arm before bringing them in and leaving quickly so they don't get caught in the barrier. " stay away from the door and stay in your hiding place like you were taught to. " one of the guards said as they closed the door and lock it just in case.
Dream, he went to lay down as he almost fell over from dizziness from the blood lost but he would live and kaito knew that. Asena was watching over zora and ranboo while they sleep, keavneth was helping dream to stay awake for a but before letting him rest.

(Sorry it took like more then 8 days but I hope you had in joy and check another story that I started called 57 year old case, have a good day)

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