*chapter five*

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(I apolgized that i that not been active, i have been dealing with a death of a love one, and need some time off of things and i hope that you understand that time is needed to heal. And thank you for the views on my story ill make sure this chapter is longer then the rest, to make up my time off.)

The young kids had been in the room from hours that felt like inerntiy, that continues on forever. When the hours passed, behind the other side of the door was others yelling, swords  clashing against another, thumos against the walls as if they were thrown on the wall. That was the only things they heard since they enter the room a while ago, everyone was uneasy about the event and the youngest, ranboo and zora. They had also had started to get uneasy from the lack of their parents, but they weren't the only ones that started to miss their parents.
Since the noises that came from the battle that was taking place outside had made them retreat to the back of the room, gettibg away from the door. Dream was still out on the bed that was in the room, he was out from the blood that was leaking from his wound on his arm, he gotten it for protecting his youngest siblings and for his age it would made it easier from him to lose his vision and contorl of his body. Keaventh had pached his arm twince and he was able to stop the bleeding and calm his other siblibgs.
* why do thibgs have to be so hard now of theses days?* keaventh thought, but his thoughts were soon interupted by a loud bang outside the door, that made all of them jump from their places and made ranboo and zora whimper. They all looked at the door infront of them, seeing that someone was unlocking the door.
Wait the only ones that have the key to the barrier is their parents, were they dead? Did the interuters get the key or did they retreat? Those raced through keavenths head as the door knob moved to one side to the other and a click sound made it ckear that the dioor was unlocked and now the interuter was able to get to him and his siblings.
Once the click sound was heard,  the siblings went into their protective spots, the oldest in front and the youngest in the back, they had to leave dream out on the bed and in the open but the bed was mostly in the back of the room so maybe he would be fine. None of them didn't want to see anyone of their siblings to die in front of you, it was one of the most horrible feelings in the word. To have withness something that would scar you for the rest of your life if one of them surives but they will live on with a regret that they were not able to save theur siblings from harms way.

It had been already 6 hours since he left his cubs in the room, he and the rest who were fighting with him were wounded, some of the wounds weren't deep and some was fatal wounds. Most of them had multiply wounds but healable , there were a few eho had fatal wounds they would be taken care of first and kaito was along the most who had been hit, since the inturders were after the royal blood line so they would leave his mate lotus alive but their kids would be indanger still. Kaito was one who would never back down, he will only do so if one or more of his cubs were in danger or if he was on the doorstep of deaths door, he will never back down as long as he can sercure a safe future from his kids.
He was heavliy panting as the more time he and his soldiers fought, he didn't want backup, he didn't want more of his soldiers to injured by this fight. He would need them in a larger battle if it comes to that, something he wished didn't exist in this world. Kaito was being distacted by his thoughts that he almost didn't see the other takr a swing at him but was blocked by lotus's swords as it punture the chest of the other. "Kaito please stay fousced, theres only few who stands fighting and our people don't need one of their kings to be dead by some battle this snall." Lotus stated as he was holding the left side of kaito since blood was running down the side of his upper waist, kaito hissed in pain was he started to feel the pressure that was added of his wound.
In the next mintues they had won the battle and kaito wanted to go see his kids but needed to be patched up so his wounds could start to heal but he didn't care, he need to see if his kids were not harmed in any way or form. Kaito looked around before teleporting near the room he haf left his kids in, he began to walk to the room until he seen that the door was ooen and the gaurds that was there were no longer there. Painck started to rise in hm as he ran to the door, pushing aside the door to see his kids, katio ingored the pain that stung against his wouds. His vision started to blurr but was still able to see fine just enough to see his cubs safe, but he relaxed at the sence as his mate and kids were inbracing eachother, his cubs had taken notice of him and ran from their father to their mother. The impacted had caused kaito pain all over his body but chose to ingore it as he didn't want to worry his cubs that he is hurt until kaito heard small wales of crys from his youngest.
His cubs let him go so he can go attend and carry his youngest, oh his beautiful cubs were safe from harm, he went to lotus as he was sitting on the bed and dream who was injured, was on awake and happy to see his parnets were alive. Kaito went to dream first for a few mintues before going to ranboo and zora to see if they are alright. Kaito was stopped by lotus as he paced down the two in the crib that was placed inside of the room. "You need rest. Go rest i'll take care of  the inturders while you recover." Lotus looked at him with a serious face and he didn't bother to agrue since he would have mostly likely to lose in agruement. Kaito nodded at lotus as he gotten up from the bed and gave each of their cubs a kiss on the head before turning to kaito. Lotus gave kaito a passionate kiss  before leaving the room to attend the inturders.

In the next few days, there had been trials for the intruders of the castle and were senteced to death by lotus and with the vote of the people who voted on the death sentece. Its quite odd that his people want to give up their lives just to protect his famliy but he would do anything to repay thoses who lost their lives for his famliy. His youngest were now starting to walk on their own while the oldest started to be more protective of the two as they were still wary. Kaito can related to being wary still, by now the other kigdoms  had heard word that the end palace was under attack, the nether was the most  since they wanted a peace between the two kigdoms and it couldn't be fone if they were dead, mostly prince techno was worried for dream and his family but only being a year older than dream, he was the only one who can calm him down and he couldn't afford to lose dream.
Prince techno came to the palace a few days after the break in and been clingy to dream and to ranboo and zora. Dream didn't mind him being clingy, he would honestly do the same if it happen to techno's family, he would cling onto techno and stay from a while just incase anyelse happens. By now techno was used to the family as he was in the garden with dream learning to do sword fighting and it seem that techno took intest in sword fighting while dream was with his blow and arrows. The two seem to be made gor eachother and made eachother happy.
Kaito only want his kids to be happy even if it goes against his wishes but he wouldn't stop his kids from their happinees. Lotus would do the same but a bit more wary in their safely of their kids, but he would hunt them down if they hurt any of his famliy in someway. That was one of the reasons why kaito fell for lotus when they met back then. Kaito went off to bed after working on most paperwork and lit a candle as it glowed a warm redish- with a mix of a yellow orange. The candle was in a safe conatiner so it won't harn the rooms.
The night was claming and soon the kingdom went to rest for the night, the cubs were already in their beds as the parents where leaving for their room. As tired they are, they will really never rest until everything is ok but tonight was to rest and not worry about tomorrow. The other kingdoms where also getting ready to sleep as none knew of what the future holds for their kingdoms but time will tell for itself.

(I hope you ejoy the story and im sorry that i been gone anf thank ylu for the veiws on this story and my other book the 57 year old case. I will try to update more ad i can but monday starts my exams so wish me luck.  And have a good night, day, morning, afternoon. 12/13/21 1:14 a.m.
Wordcount : 1708)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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