Chapter 1

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Izuku blinked. He was unsure of how long he had been laying on the ground, staring at the sky and slowly watching it turn grey. Izuku blinked again, slowly getting to his senses. He smelled iron, no, tasted it. Or maybe it was both, izuku still wasn't sure. A thought occurred to him, a distant voice: „why am i here?" it whispered. Slowly, izuku stood up getting his bearings, then, his memory returned. He wished it hadnt. Bakugou, or kacchan as he used to call him, had hurt him. Nothing unusual, but never had his wounds been this severe. He looked down. Blood. That was all that was visible of his lower and middle body. It would be hard lying this time, it didn't take a genius to figure out he had been beaten up. Izuku sighed, something he had gotten used too doing over the years. He thought back to the time before it started, and the time it did.

"Ok settle down everyone! Today we will be doing a show and tell on the quirks you got!" The teacher shouted, trying to make herself heard over the commotion of four year olds showing off their quirks. Once she had made herself heard she was immediately drowned out again by the cheers of her class. Only Izuku remained silent, he was considerably smart for his age. He knew that some would make fun of him for not being in control of his quirk yet, Izuku tucked the quirk restraints under his green hoodie. They had been given to him by the quirk Doctor, a precaution as he put it. But Izuku knew the doctor thought his ability couldn't do anything even without them. "Ok who wants to go first?" The teacher asked, immediately getting interrupted again by the shouting wich was coming from everyone except Izuku. She knew that the silence of her young student meant something, she decided not to make him show his quirk to the class, instead making a mental note to speak with him later on. As the show and tell continued, the green haired boy made himself smaller and smaller shrinking into his seat the most when everyone cheered for kacchans quirk "explosion". After class everyone was too focused on Bakugou to notice the teacher calling Izuku over. "Is there something wrong izuku?" She asked. The boy was hesitant to answer, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was listening. "I haven't gotten control over my quirk yet" he whispered, " but not only that, the doctors think its a very weak one aswell". The teacher frowned, she could see why he could be scared that others found out. He was already frowned down upon by the class for being "weak". Even his "friend" bakugou would sometimes look away when he was being bullied. The teacher dismissed him after wishing him the best of luck with figuring out his quirk. After Izuku left the classroom, he was met by kacchan and his new Fanclub. "So what quirk did you get?" he asked. When Izuku didn't answer, one of bakugous lackeys snickered "i bet its as stupid as he is!" they all laughed, even Izukus ex-friend Bakugou. "A-Actually i cant control it yet" he whispered, cursing himself for letting it slip. "Just as i thought" Kacchan sneered, "youre just a useless Deku!". After that day the bullying got worse, and the verbal insults got stronger.

Izuku got ripped out of his memories by something cold falling from the sky, rain. He shook himself and began walking home, he had some explaining to do.

600 words exactly, as is said i probably won't update a lot and im not expecting this story to get any recognition.
Have a wonderful Day/Night

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