Chapter 3

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Over the next two Years Izuku thought about his quirk a lot and would often test his abilities. Beforehand he had only ever been able to create weak force fields, wich bakugou had always been able to easily destroy. But with time, izuku began to realise the raw power that he held. Even tho he was more confident in using his quirk, he didn't think about all the possibilities it had. For instance: he knew that he could see barriers, borders, laws, rules and limits. Izuku tried learning how to snap them, something that was more difficult than it seemed at the time. By his tenth birthday, he had mastered destroying or "snapping" the borders. He knew that he should learn to create borders before he started destroying some major things like the barrier that stopped his soul from leaving his body. Two years later he had mastered the skill aswell. Izuku was 12 now, and already held more power that even he himself could imagine. Sitting in his room, izuku concentrated on his own body. In his focused state, he gingerly removed the border that held his soul to his body. After a few seconds he stood up, feeling disappointed that it didn't work, until he turned around... and saw his body still in the same meditative position. Needless to say, he freaked out.

Ok, another snippet of a chapter. I'll update soon, maybe even right now. I just don't wanna make any promises. Oh, and thank you for the reads y'all gave me! But I guess when the chapters are this short you can basically read it in a minute. Have a good day/night.

Bending Borders (on hold, possibly forever)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя