Chapter 2

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"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Yelled Inko midoriya, still holding the phone and ready to report her 9 year old son missing. "At... school?" the boy in question weakly replied. Inko ran to him, completely missing the blood on his clothes. After about 3 minutes of hugging and Izuku telling her for the billionth time that he couldnt breathe, she finally calmed down enough to notice the stench of blood. "Oh my god izu what happened?" She asked after after examining him. Izuku knew there was no point in lying, so he decided to tell her the truth. „I-ive been beaten up..." hearing this the boys Mom was ready for murder, and threatened to come to his school and beat some ass with her favourite frying pan. After further consideration however, she decided on homeschooling her son from that point on. Because she knew that would get neither understanding, nor any support in suing the school. Hardly anyone noticed when Midoriya didn't show up the next day, only a certain short tempered individual did. „Wheres that useless Deku?" „He normally comes to school around now, and then i still have enough time to beat him up". Nevertheless the green haired boy didn't show up that day, nor the day after, nor the day after that. Infact, he never showed up. After awhile, 2 months to be exact, everyone forgot about him. The only trace of him ever interacting with anyone at the school,
was the faint memory of Bakugou Kazuki.

There, another chapter. I agree its a bit short, even for my standards. But it just felt fitting to be end it there. Thank you to the people interested in my story. I hope you have a good day/night.

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