Chapter one

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I snapped shut the lock on my door.

My beautiful stalker... he was so insane; and such a shame it was someone so gorgeous as him. He deserved to be loved; and I might have loved him...had he not begun following and 'protecting me' everywhere I went. I hadn't been terribly afraid of him until the last two nights. I had woken up the first night to open my door and find him asleep in front of it, long silver hair fanned out in a light sheet behind him.

I nearly screamed, but I backed in and desperately called my parents.

"Dear God, he's inside! He's in-in front of my door!" My dad had snuck to my hallway to catch him, but he was already gone. They had known about my stalker, whom I'd affectionately named 'sammy'. At first, he was kind of cute, bringing me flowers and love notes when my back was turned, but it quickly progressed.

Soon he had been following me home, standing guard outside my front door, and calling me regularly, not that I'd ever given him my number.

Soon.... that was the only wording on a note he'd left me that night, and I don't know how; I hadn't gone back to sleep and it was on my pillow, where it hadn't been before. I hadn't even turned... he didn't even seem human. I never understood how he snuck around so well; I could be staring at him with my parents while he sat on our patio in broad daylight; but he was not on any security camera footage filming that area. It was baffling to the police; even with so many accounts of him stalking our house from neighbors and family members... they had staked outside the house, even, but he was always a step ahead... Get too close, and he disappears like smoke. No one knows who he is or where he goes, but the leading theory is that he's been living on our property somewhere; he certainly knows how to manipulate the land and house plan to his advantage.

Well, now I knew he could get inside, and I had a feeling where he was. It had to be one of two places; the large, industrial AC ducting, where there would be plenty of space for his slender frame, or our boarded-up dumb waiter, as it was an old house... The damn thing ran lines through the walls too, with holes in the walls we had long boarded up, save for a few larger areas, where I suspected he could be getting in.

I still don't know how he got into the house in the first place, but I tried not to worry that day, as we fitted locks onto the doors.

That night, I was up with my tablet and phone, ready to call the police at any time. I must have fallen asleep for a brief moment; with my eyes still closed I felt the soft, feather light breath of his tender mouth hovering above my forehead. He was singing lightly in his scratchy, accented voice. It was a gentle song, and I suspected the Ave Maria, but I couldn't be sure.

He pressed his lips to mine in the lightest of kisses, before pulling the covers up to my chest to keep me warm.

He rubbed my arm lightly.

"Goodnight, my love.."

My eyes fluttered open.

"Please," I whispered, tears accumulating in my eyes. "Who are you?"

His shallow breath stopped altogether for a moment, less than a few inches away from my face, long hair looking like dripping liquid silver off his shoulders.

"My love... you will know in due time." His voice sounded sad.

He was gone in one quick flash I barely even saw, it was so fast.

I slept well that night, feeling oddly at peace.

My Creepy, Murderous Lover (Undertaker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now