Chapter four

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"Please," I said, tears streaming down my face, unrestrained. "What did you do with my family?"

"Oh!" He giggled lightly. "They're perfectly fine, dearie. I hid you, they thought you were gone... heeheehee...."

"How did you hide me?" I asked, knowing that I had never left my bed last night. A sinister smile creeped onto his face; he pressed an index finger to his lips.

"One of those things, love... you'll know when you have to."

His soft, pale hands left my waist. I didn't turn around, knowing full well he was already gone.

The door was right in front of me.

...Should I run?...

He'll surely catch me. But I may as well try.

I opened the squeaky door with bated breath; but to my surprise no one came after me.

It was barely sunny outside, a dark overcast that agreed with my mood.

The fields around the house were beautiful and welcoming, but for once I did not stop. As soon as I was outside the range of sight for the old farm house, I ran as fast as my legs would take me, getting about halfway through the deciduous forest before I ran into a stiff figure, falling backwards as if I'd hit an unmoving brick wall.

"Love, where are you going? Our wedding isn't set so far." He roughly hoisted me up over his shoulders.

I was speechless. I would've heard him running beside me, whether he was faster or not. Not to mention, there wasn't a drop of sweat on his body, much opposed to myself being drenched. It was all I could do to cry and sob on his shoulder.

"Hold on, alright?" I hadn't responded when there was a loud 'pop' and we were back in front of the farmhouse.

I sniffled.

"Did you enjoy your run?" He asked in a calm voice, but there was an undercurrent of danger that told me he expected an answer.

"Please don't do this to me," I whispered softly, trying and failing to control my tears. "I don't know what I did to you but it can't be so bad as to deserve this."

He frowned, looking genuinely concerned for the first time.

"My love, you didn't do anything, except perhaps be as perfect as you are," He smiled warmly at me. "We'll have the most perfect wedding and you'll forget all about this, I promise. For now, would you like to set up the banquet hall with me? I was hoping it'd be a surprise, but I am a little afraid to leave you alone, dearie."

I nodded, feeling slightly better. At least I didn't incurr this upon myself. He wiped away the last of my tears.

"No more crying, alright? I don't want you to ruin your makeup and dress later, love." He kissed me behind my ear, softly nuzzling my head with his nose. As much as I hated the situation, he was a sweet man, and, I had to admit, remarkably attractive. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. But there was still the mysteries. Why wasn't he able to tell me what he was doing or how he was disappearing like that? Not to mention, I was well aware at this point that he had no heartbeat, although I tried not to freak out about it. Maybe it was just low-pitched and weak...?

There was a small kiss on top of my head as we walked, myself now being held bridal-style---which I supposed was fitting---- and him swiftly walking to a dark-blue colored car with British license plates. Well, at least the accent made sense now. He placed me in the passenger seat before crawling in himself, starting thr car.

"I've already had most of the wedding supplies delivered to the venue, but there's a few odds and ends in here, so please do try not to break anything."

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