Chapter three

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He was gone in a flash, leaving me with my erratic heartbeat and sheer terror.

I took one second to scream, to shreik with anguish, and then willed myself to calm down.

I didn't know where my family was, but if I could find them, I should be safe.

But my suspicions were that he did something to them. It was a huge family; never once in 19 years has the house been completely empty.

"Help me," I whispered, to no one in particular.

I shakily made my way to the kitchen, intending on a sandwich.

I was almost finished buttering the bread before there was a clink of shattering glass above me and a scream of pure, undiluted rage.

I shivered to the core, knowing full well it was him. There weren't too many men in my household, not to mention no one had such a gravelly voice or cursed so profusely as I was hearing now.

Some quick, light footsteps slid across the floor and I nearly choked when I heard them steadily come down the stairs, despite the fact that when I looked, no one was there, just lots of dust and dirt from years of use.

...How? How was it possible? I was hearing him walk down the stairs and not seeing him...

Fear burst through me in icy, adrenaline filled waves.

I retreated to a closet and sat for a moment to catch my breath. Surely, there was an explanation, any explanation! This wasn't TV, he wasn't some ghost come back to carry me off into the sunset.

I heard something outside on the patio; dashing out of my hiding spot I ran and locked the sliding-glass door.

I was looking at the empty backyard when somebody grabbed my waist from behind, nuzzling into my neck.

"My love," He purred, "did I scare you with the glass? I apologize, I simply spent a lot of money on the piece and it saddened me to break it."

I was silent, albeit for my quick and labored breathing that strained against his inhumanly tight grip.

My eyes were wide with fear as he continued.

" Or, love, were you trying to lock me out?... What a foolish notion. You cannot block me, I love you too much... What do you humans say? 'Love always wins'?"

I felt suffocated, terrified in his arms, but it wasn't as if I could escape. For such a lean man, he had the strongest muscles I'd even seen, especially now that I could see more of him in his beautiful, skin-fitting outfit.

Another thing I noticed, so close to his heart like I was.

He was...cold.

My Creepy, Murderous Lover (Undertaker X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora