Chapter 60

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2 Hours Later with Matt as he sits in bed with Gabby after her surgery:
Matt's POV: As I wrap my arm around Gabby while holding her close to me while she is still out after the surgery, I smile at Natalie and Dr. Gallader as they talk to me. "So, you mean to tell me that the aneurysm is gone for good now?" Dr. Gallader nodded and agreed with me when I said that before smiling at me. "Yes, it is Matt. She should be able to have a very healthy pregnancy as well as future pregnancies without any troubles." I smiled when she said that and just started to tear up because this was a dream come true. For us to not have to worry anymore is amazing.

"You have no idea how grateful I am to the two of you. You saved both Gabby and our child." Dr. Gallader nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "I am sure that she is going to be just as relieved when I can tell her that her aneurysm is gone." I smiled and agreed with her. "And there is no damage or anything right? She should be completely fine?" Dr. Gallader nodded and smiled at me. "She is going to be completely fine Matt, I promise." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that before smiling at her. That's when I started to feel Gabby wake up in my arms.

Having already changed the sheets since they decided to move her onto the ground during the surgery, I smiled because that meant we weren't going to have to move from our spot. "Matt?" I looked at her and just smiled at her. "Hey baby." Gabby then just looked up at me. "What happened?" That's when Dr. Gallader spoke up. "Gabby, how are you feeling?" Gabby just looked around. "What's going on?" Dr. Gallader then smiled. "Gabby, your aneurysm burst." Gabby got scared when she said that. "Wait, I am here...I survived?" I nodded and smiled. "Yes."

Gabby then just felt a bunch of relief as she looked at me and started to tear up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry were right. I should have never..." I just went to stop her. "Hey, calm down and take a breath. Gabby, you are are fine." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Dr. Gallader then smiled at us. "Gabby, this is good news. Your aneurysm is gone. Gabby, this means that you are guaranteed to be here after you birth." I just smiled when Dr. Gallader said that before going to kiss her forehead softly. "I love the sound of that."

Gabby smiled as she looked up at me and then went to grab my hand. "I am so glad that I married you while we were in the hospital. I could have died your fiancé." I shook my head. "Well, you didn't die and you are here not just for this pregnancy but...for all of our kids." Gabby smiled and nodded when I said that before going to kiss me softly. "I love you and I am sorry for kissing Matt like that." Going to kiss her forehead, I smiled at her. "Chief says he's glad you survived. Antonio knows what happened and he says he's glad too." Gabby agreed with me.

She then went to take a breath and just looked at me before putting her hand on her stomach. "Matt, I hate to ask his but....the baby? I mean Matteo?" I smiled when she asked me that. "I asked Natalie to bring an ultrasound machine so that we can check on him okay?" Natalie agreed and smiled as she went to grab the ultrasound machine that she already had set up next to Gabby. Wheeling it over, she smiled at her and then went to go bring it close to us. Grabbing the gel, she went to go put it on her stomach and just smiled at her. 

Going to grab the doppler, she then went to go put it on her stomach. "Cold." Natalie laughed when Gabby said that. She then went to go find the heartbeat for us and just smiled. "Okay, here we go." Going to listen to the heartbeat, I couldn't help but feel relieved that there was a heartbeat. Walking over, Dr. Gallader just went to look at it. "Natalie, can you zoom in a bit?" I then got concerned. "Is everything okay?" Dr. Gallader nodded and then smiled. "Well, that explains why I thought I saw another mass yesterday." I got concerned.

"Okay, can someone explain to me what's happening?" Dr. Gallader smiled at the both of us. "Matt, are going to need to find a new name." I then looked at her. "Is it not a boy?" She then smiled at us. "NO, you are still having a boy. are also having a daughter. Gabby, you are having twins." I just looked at her when she said that. "WHAT!" She nodded and smiled. I then turned to look at Gabby and smiled at her. "Looks like we are going to have 3 kids." Gabby just looked at me. "What?" I then smiled. "I want to go again if we have no aneurysm!" 

Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that and smiled at me. "Okay. But god, twins!" I nodded and agreed with her. "Thank you so much Dr. Gallader." I then went to get up and smiled as I went to hug her. "You are a life saver and I am so glad that Gabby is here." Dr. Gallader smiled when I did that. "It's my pleasure. I will come visit again soon. I am just so glad that you are okay Gabby. Take it easy for a week or two okay?" I nodded when she said that. "We will. However, maybe a bit of celebration." We all laughed when I said that and just smiled at Gabby.

"Listen, how about I help you guys clean up and then we can make another appointment in a couple weeks?" Dr. Gallader then bit her lip. "I want to come back next week okay? I want to monitor her closely just for a couple weeks if that's okay?" Gabby turned to look at me when she said that. "Matt, I like the idea. Maybe we can be your first one of the day and you can come right here?" Dr. Gallader smiled and agreed with me. "Monday at 9 sounds great. I will come here." Gabby smiled and agreed with her when she said that. "Sounds good, see you then." 

Looking at Gabby, I smiled at her. "I am just going to let them out and then I will be back okay? You want something for lunch?" Gabby shook her head. "Just some of those muffins?" I agreed with her and smiled. "Sounds good." Walking over to her, I leaned over her and then went to kiss her softly. "I love you." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "I love you too. See you soon." I just smiled when she said that before going to lead Dr. Gallader and Natalie out of the appartment.

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