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No One Pov
It's almost a week and they didn't saw Leeteuk while Lisa they figured out that she's not at the company or even at the house that made them worry.

They are looking at Yoona when they noticed that tears are started to come out from her eyes while mumbling Lisa's name.

Unnie...... Nayeon said worriedly as Yoona started to open her eyes.

Yeri call a doctor....... Seulgi said to her and she immediately left the room.

L-Lisa.......Yoona said and the doctor arrived with Yeri as he started to check if she's okay.

You're okay now just need a rest.....The doctor said to her.

Uhm doc can we ask something?.......Taeyeon asked him.

Sure what is it?........ The doctor asked her.

Where's Doc. Leeteuk Manoban because he's the one who's assisting us?....... Jisoo asked him as the doctor's face became serious.

He's already dead....... The doctor answered that made them shocked.

How?....... Jessica asked him.

When Leeteuk left the hospital while crying he didn't noticed that there's a car coming causing it to bumped him.

The owner of the car immediately brought Leeteuk in the hospital as fast as he can.

Tell to the nurse let me stay with my sister Lalisa Manoban...... Leeteuk said weakly before closing his eyes.

The doctors tried to revive him but it's already late Leeteuk already gave up.

I will see my little angel again......Leeteuk said and smiled before fading away.
End of Flashback

OMG...... Tiffany said and put her hand on her mouth.

He didn't even tried to fight for his life..... The doctor said.

Lisa will break down if she will know this...... Jeongyeon said.

While they are shocked Yoona keeps thinking about Lisa because of her dream.

Doc..... Yoona called him.

Yes Miss Im?...... The doctor asked her.

Tell me who's my donor Doc......Yoona said to him.

Hmm do you want to see her?......The doctor asked.

Her? Please don't tell me it's really Lisa......Yoona said in her mind.

If I can, sure...... Yoona answered.

I'll just call the nurse who let the donor left something...... The doctor said and exited the room.

Why didn't Leeteuk fight for his life?.....Yuri asked.

We don't know about that Yuri but I'm thinking about Lisa right now......Jessica answered as the doctor got back with the nurse and also a wheel chair.

You're the one who knows my donor?...... Yoona asked her.

Yes ma'am and she left two letters to me and I will bring you where is her body ....... The nurse answered as they placed Yoona at the wheel chair and brought her in the room while the others just followed her.

Your donor is Doctor Manoban's little sister....... The nurse said as she opened the door.

Love..... Nayeon muttered.

No no this can't be true...... Nayeon said and immediately approached Lisa's body as she saw Leeteuk's body beside Lisa's dead body.

Love...... Nayeon said and hold her hand.

Why did you let her be her donor!?.......Seulgi shouted while crying.

It's her decision ma'am...... The nurse answered.

Lisa why didn't you listened to me?......Sunny asked her as she glanced at Leeteuk's dead body.

I know she's safe with you...... Sunny said in her mind while looking at Leeteuk.

Baby why did you sacrificed yourself you should had been told us........Jessica said to her.

I didn't know that it's true that, that goodbye is for your permanent leave....... Yoona said in her mind

Lisa you broke your promise to me......Yoona said to her while crying.

I'm sorry I'm sorry...... Yoona added and cried harder.

You're unfair Lisa you said you will be home but this is not your home Lisa......Jisoo said to her.

This isn't your home...... Jisoo added with that she break down.

Chu...... Seulgi said and hugged her.

Here's the letter that the patient left I'm so sorry for your lost...... The nurse said and handed Irene the two letters then left.

Nayeon it's for you..... Irene said and handed her the letter.

And Yoona unnie it's also for you .....Irene added and handed the letter to her.

Nayeon's letter:

Hi my love if  you're reading this that means I'm already gone. I'm sorry if I didn't told you about my plan because if I did you won't let me do it. I want to be selfish but I don't want to see you losing  your unnie because you just got be with her and I don't want her to die.

I'm sorry I think destiny and fate is just playing us. We met again but we will also be separated. Remember that I will always love you.

Let the sky cross our path again my love.

I Love You My Love
                                        -Love Lisa♡♡♡

Yoona's letter:

Hi Yoong unnie first of all I wanted to say sorry for breaking my promise. I think that promise is really meant to be broken but unnie keep the promise for taking care of them. I know you will take care of them especially Nayeon. Tell Jessica unnie and Yuri unnie that I'm sorry.

I'll be watching you from above I love you unnie and tell the others that I also love them.

I'm just part of the chapters of your story and I'm glad that I became part of it but my character come to an end in your story unnie.

I love you Yoong unnie. 

We will just see you up there Lisa.......Yoona said.

Love remember that you will be my only one....... Nayeon said and looked down.

                          -------The End-------

( I won't be publishing for two days)

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