1. First Day of summer

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"Quinton!!!" I screeched. Jumping off my bed and backing into the corner of my room.

"What do you want Amber?" An annoyed Quinton asked from the door way.

His eyes widened when he saw what I was silently pointing at while squirming in place. How did he not notice the GIANT spider on the floor when he walked in. That thing looked like spiderus, that evil spider that tried to eat everyone from miss spiders sunnypatch friends.

"Jeez Amber its just a spider." Quinton replied seeming even more annoyed. If that was even possible.

Now let me tell you, yes we are indeed twins but we aren't like those twins in movies who can read each others minds or anything.

We are just normal twins. Also in movies twins hang out and tell each other everything, like its there built in best friend. But we aren't like that. Sure we talk a lot and we look out for each other, but Quinton is star quarterback, a legend at school. People will remember his name long after he's left.

I on the other hand, am friends with popular girls but only because of Quinton. If it weren't for him they wouldnt know that I exsist. Not that they aren't great friends or anything, its just im what could be considered a nerd. And I dont mean the kind of nerd that wears big glasses and has an inhaler or anything. I mean the super smart know it all nerd.

"Kill it!!" I yelled. Didn't he understand that it it'll run and hide. Gosh sometimes my brother is such an air head.

"Oh yeah. Sorry" He mumbled while pulling off his shoe. Quinton held his shoe over the spider, then pulled back his arm and squashed the bug.

"Wasn't that a little dramatic? I was just a spider." I said after his little show he put on.

"Really?" He asked with and incredulous look on his face. "Im being dramatic?"

I simply smiled and gave a short nod.

"Coming from the girl who screamed and called me up here to kill it." He smirked at me when i rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say you drama queen." I muttered as I walked past him and started down the stairs.

"Hey!" Quinton exclaimed. "If anything im a drama king. I am still a guy." he said matter of factly.

"Oh really I thought the only boy in this family was Brody." I replied sassily.

Dang I was on fire today. My comebacks are usually pretty lame.

"Hey!" Our dad said from behind us. "Im here too."

Oh yeah dads a guy too. Duh

"See the boys out number the girls in this family!" Quinton exclaimed, sticking out his tongue.

"No theres three girls. Me, Mom, and of course you." I said.

If only i could take a picture of Quinton's face at this exact moment. It was priceless.

I walked into the living room and sat down in fornt of the t.v. because whats better than spending your first day of summer break inside watching American horror story. That show is amazing.

About half way through the 5th episode Mom comes out dressed in her uniform. My mom's a cop and dads an attorney. Must make you think its impossible to get away with anything huh? Well for me yes, Quinton not so much.

Mom knows everyone and everything. She knows who's bad and who's been in trouble. Luckily Quinton isn't friends with all the druggies and just the football players.

I on the other hand had no problems. I have two friends, Courtney and Carter.

Courtney stands at about 5'5 has pretty tan skin. She has curly brown hair, and of course those chocolate brown eyes.

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