4. Twin arguments

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"AMBER DENISE BREWER TELL ME WHY HE'S HERE RIGHT NOW!" Quinton screamed. I looked up, he stood about 4 inches taller than me. My brown eyes were starring into his. His chest was rising and falling so fast it made me nervous.

"I-I don't know.." I stuttered a little under the pressure of his stare. I could feel Logan's gaze on me all the way from the door where he was standing.

"Amber dont stutter," Quinton said calmly. He knew I only stuttered when I was nervous or scared.

I pushed away all my fear and worry, I was going to stutter. I was going to tell him off! How dare he scream at me!

"Okay" Dang! That out to show him who's boss. Notice my sarcasm. I completely flaked out like a total dweeb. But hey, its a start right? Eh, eh? No? Okay.

"Okay?" Quinton asked. "So why is he here. Because I know for a fact its not to see you, since you are my sister and he would ask me, your twin, first.

I didnt know what to say. I was honestly shocked. Did Quinton really think everything that I did had to be run by him first? I mean I get the whole oooh we shared the whoom thing, but seriously?  This far? He wanted to control my life!

"Wait. Quinton. What would it matter to you if he was here for me?" I asked, daring to steal a glance at Logan who was still standing in the doorway. I knew he was watching me, waiting to see what i'd do.

"You're my sister and its my job to look out for you. For your safety, happiness, and well being. And he," Quinton spat out in disgust "is not someone you should be around." He finished.

I looked up at Logan. He was leaning against the door fram. Looking at me expectantly, and I knew exactly what he wanted me to do.

I walked up to my room and threw on some shorter than my.already short shorts. Then pulled out a red shirt that just barely showed my stomach. I knew Quinton would HATE this outfit. I walked into my bathroom and put on eyeliner, which I never wore, and mascara. I wasn't too big on make up. My mostly brown hair was left in waves, and not the kind.of waves that people would try and get rid of, the waves people tried to get with curlers and hairspray. I slipped on my red converse, low cut not high tops. The high tops were too much work to put on and hey, im lazy.

I grabbed my phone and my wallet. I debated on whether or not I should bring Brody to make Quinton angry, but with my outfit and NO Brody, Quinton would go nuts.

I walked down the stairs quickly making sure my already noticeably large chest bounced drawing more attention to it. I smiled at Logan, looking straight past Quinton.

"Ready to go?" I asked sweetly.

"Of course" Logan smirked, holding the door open for me.

As we walked out Quinton followed behind yelling.

"Amber Denise Brewer you better not get into that car" Quinton screamed just as I opened the door and got in.

Quinton made an unhumanly girly gasp and started stomping down the stairs, coming our way.
Just before Quinton could reach us, Logan started slowly pulling away. It was like torture to Quinton, since he was running after us but logan made sure to keep our speed at just a little faster than Quinton could run.

He gave up after a block of running, probably realizing he left the baby at home alone, since our parents both left for work this morning. I swear they should have stopped at just Quinton and I. Not that I dont love Brody, its just they're never home to take care of him and when they are home, they ignore him and have either Quinton or I take care of him.

It sucks too. Being 17 and having to take care of a baby like its your own. Quinton goes to all the parties and events, while I stay home most of the time. Its not like Brody bothered me, it was just that I was giving up my high school life to take care of him.

"So where do you want to go." Logan asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh no where really, wherever you want to go." I answered not wanting to sound needy.

"You want to go bowling? I bet I can beat you." He asked while nudging my arm.

"Puh-lease, a toddler could beat me." I said truthfully.

"Okay then, something more challenging? " He asked hopefully, like he already had something in mind.

"...like?" I cautiously asked him.

"Oh you'll see." And with that he turned around and started.driving in the other direction.

The car ride wasnt too long before we stopped. We were parked in a drive way to a pretty massive sized house. Logan pulled the keys out of the car and got out, waving his hand, signaling for.me to follow.

I got out and walked up the drive way shoulder to shoulder with Logan. Except he was a lot taller. Maybe 5-6 inches. He had beautiful dark brown hair. It was short but it wasn't long. Just long enough for me to comfortably run my fingers through it and-WAIT.  No no no no bad Amber. Bad.

He also had grean piercing eyes. Logan was obviously very muscular. He must have been on the football team, but wouldn't I notice him then? I didnt go to many football games but I knew almost everyone on the team, ot at least the ones Quinton was friends with.

We walked into a very spacious living room and up a set of stairs, as we walked down the hall I noticed there was an indoor pool and a weight room. What the hell did this guys parents do.

Logan stopped and turned around to face me, I almost hadn't stopped in time.

"Woah there " Logan stuck out his arm to steady me. Knowing me I probably would have fallen and broken everything in my body.

"Sorry" I mumbled looking down at the ground.

Logan smiled at me and ran into a room down the hall.

"Hey!" I shouted out after him. "Way to just leave me here alone!"
"Oh boo whoo, get over it princess." Logan shot back.

I laughed and started down the hall after him. Right as I was about to turn into the room Logan came running out like an excited child, knocking into me in the process. Now in most romantic movies the boy would catch the falling girl, move her hair out of her face and kiss her! But no, Logan slammed into me, sending me flying to the ground, the hard wood ground. And to top it all off he screeched in my ear! Right before I fell! When I did fall I slammed my head into the hars wood floor. It sounded like someone smashed a giant pumpkin on the ground.

"Ouch" was all I could utter.

"Holy shit! Way to scare me!" Logan yelled.

For a second I starred at him in disbelief. Was this guy serious?  Once he started laughing I felt better. But not good enough to get up.

I stuck my hands out to Logan, signalling I needed help up. He just blankly starred at me.

"Help me up you asshole!" I snapped my fingers at him.

"Oh yeah sorry about that." Logan rushed out.

He helped me up and we both walked down the stairs and back to his car. Ugh my head. Logan started driving and before I knew it we were in my drive way. Logan put the car in park and turned to face me.

"We'll try again some other time?" He asked hopefully.

"Definitely" I confirmed.

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