3.Strange phone call

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I woke up to my cell phone ringing.

Inside, what a wonderful caricature of, intimacy.
Inside,what a wonderful caricature of, intimacy.

I swung my arm up onto my bed side table. Everything it my room was black and white, which made it about ten times harder to find anything at night.

The phone had rung three times when I found my cell phone, I fumbled with it some more before I answered.

"Hello" I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes with my fist.

"Is this Amber?" A deep voice asked, blowing light breaths into the phone.

"Yep thats me" I yawned out.

"I don't know if you remember me, we meet a few days ago." The voice continued.

"Uh Im not sure I do. You must have the wrong number." I said and hung up.

I set my phone back down on my bedside table and pulled my covers up over my shoulders. Just as I felt the darkness lulling me back to sleep I heard a loud ringing.

Inside, what a wonderful caricature of, intimacy.
Inside, what a wonderful caricature of, intimacy.

Ugh why can't I just sleep. I decided to let my phone ring and go to voicemail when I jeard Brody start to cry. Quickly I answered my phone and got out of bed to go get Brody.

"What do you want, you just woke up the baby." I snapped into the phone.

"Well someones happy" He said followed by a light chuckle.

"Yeah I sure am" My words dripping with sarcasm.

I continued to walk down the hall to Brody's room, where he was still crying.

"Gosh make that kid stop." The deep voice complained.

"Well is a certain someone who woke him up grumpy?" I asked smirking even though he couldn't see, as I picked Brody up and ttied to sooth him.

"Im not grumpy" A deep voice rumbled. I could feel shivers run down my spine, in a chilling sort of way.

"Okaaaay then," I drawed out awkwardly.

"Are you going to make it stop?" The voice said in an exasperated tone.

Oh gee I wouldn't have to if some mean old grinch didn't wake us both up.

"Im trying! " I yelled into the phone, only causing Brody to cry harder.

"Well hurry it up!" The voice yelled right back.

Continuing to rock Brody and softly sing in his ear, he slowly was being lulled back to sleep. Once Brody was almost completely asleep I gently set him in his crib and kept singing, and softly rubbing his arm.

When I was sure Brody was asleep I walked out and nicely closed his door. Tip toeing back down the hall to my room, I was startled by the voice speaking once again.

"Thats a wonderful voice you have there." He said in a smug tone.

"Oh shut up! Who even are you anyway?" I snapped.

"You can call me Logan." He said shortly.

"Logan" I said feeling the way it rolled off my tongue. I heard a low growl come from the phone.

"Say it again." Logan said in a demanding voice.

"No, bite me." I sassed back.

"Maybe I will." He answered defiantly.

I let out a loud yawn as I crawled into bed, resulting in a soft chuckle from Logan.

"Go to sleep weirdo" He mumbled.

"Im not a weirdo you boob" I defended.

"Mhm what ever you say princess" He uttered.

"That's more like it. Im royalty. Wait no I should be a queen. OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" I rambled.

"Ha okay ms. Queen of hearts" Logan breathed out.

"Shut up" I said softly and rolling over into my stomach.

"Go to sleep your majesty" He answered in a sweet, soft voice.

"Okay boob" I mumbled.

All I heard was one last chuckle and then the call was over. I just layed in bed for a while thinking of were I had met him before, when the realization dawned on me, he was the asshole who egged my house. He was Logan, the cocky, self centered, huge egoed, jerk. He was the one who woke me up. But the real question was, why? Why would he call me when he could have any girl he wants.

Maybe this is your lucky break, to finally not be just Quintons twin sister. I could be Amber Brewer.

And then it hit me. Quinton.

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