5. Dealing with Quinton

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I walked into the house quietly, trying not to run into Quinton. Logan had dropped me off at home after I smashed my head into the floor. To be quite honest, I don't even know why I got in the car with him. I don't even know his last name! What would we talk about? What did he expect to do?

Shaking my head and grunting at the pain from doing so, I continued to tip-toe through the living room. Once I got to the kitchen and I could see the stairs to go upstairs I started to move a bit faster.

When I thought it was safe I started to walk at a normal pace. Taking the steps two at a time, I reached the top rather quickly. I slowed down, walking too fast made me dizzy. I slowly walked down the hallway until I got close enough to my room and started to hurry to the door. Just as I quietly shut the door behind me, someone shot out of my bathroom.

"Where were you?" Quinton asked, popping out of the bathroom.

Startled I jumped back, wincing as I did so.

"Hey Quinton" I greeted him casually, hoping he'd just walk away and let this whole thing go. But that was not my brother. He would hold this against me, till the day I die.

"Don't you 'hey Quinton me." He sassed, putting his hands on his hips.

"Quinton I'm tired, get out" I mumbled, crawling into bed.

"Hey tired, I'm Quinton." My brother said while extending his arm to me.

"QUINTON." I yelled exasperated.

"Fine, I'll leave but after you tell me what the hell you were doing with him." Quinton growled out. Bipolar much? Jeez my twins emotions changed in .2 seconds.

"I don't even know.." I trailed off.


"What?" I asked annoyed. My head was throbbing now. Why won't he just go away?

"What did you do with him? You didn't, like, you know..."

"Ew Quinton, no. We didn't, I don't even know him." I barely breathed out.

"Then why go with him huh?" Quinton had this sassy smirk one his face. Gosh I hated that face. I wanted to smack it off him.

"Felt like it" I replied shortly.

Quinton stared at me a long time. He was thinking, I know he was. He gets this look on his face when he's thinking too hard. It kind of looks like he needs the toilet.

His facial expression changed from thinking to anger. He stomped his feet over to me. I'll admit, for a second there I was getting kind of nervous. When he stopped in front of me he bent down so his face was level with mine.

He moved some of my hair, not bothering to tuck it behind me ear, just moving it out of his way. His face still showed an extreme amount of anger.

"What happened to your head?" He demanded.

I opened my mouth to answer, but shut it as quickly as I had opened it. How does someone answer that kind of question. I'd sound like such a fool if I told him I let him take me to his house, and I ran into him.

"I fell, and hit my head." I answered bluntly.

Quintons face contorted in disgust. He immediately stood up and started pacing my room. He ran his hands through his hair, he gripped onto the ends.

"Don't lie to me. Tell me the truth." My twin demanded.

"Quinton, I promise. I just fell." Why was he being so nosey?

"Look my head hurts, please just let me sleep. Can we talk about this later?" I asked exasperated.

Quinton gave me a long hard look, his facial expression softened for only a few seconds. He gave me a slow nod, and turned to leave. I mumbled a short love you, but he didn't say one back. That's how made he was. When my brother ignores me, he does it so excessively that I might as well have just killed his first born child.

I pulled the covers over my shoulders and closed my eyes, letting myself be lulled to sleep. When I was almost completely engulfed in darkness, I heard shouts. It took me a few seconds to register that it was Quinton playing video games. I let myself relax and finally fall asleep.
I woke up to silence. That's not a normal thing to wake up to in this house, normally it's a baby crying, or a smoke detector when mom occasionally tries to cook.

I got up knitting my eyebrows together. What was that smell? Is that me? I walked over to the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Terrified by what I saw, running to the shower I turned the water on feeling the temperature. When the water was still slightly cold but not cold enough to be freezing, I got in.

I washed my hair with my favorite strawberry scented shampoo. I only use apple or strawberry scented stuff. Unless it vanilla, I love vanilla.

When I got out I wrapped my towel around me. Since the shower was cold it wasn't bad getting out and getting dressed. Deciding to be productive today, I put on a pair of black shorts and a 'sorry I'm late' shirt. I let my hair dry naturally as I texted Courtney and Cater.

To: Courtney & Carter
"So what are the plans for today??"

I set my phone down on my bed side table. Taking a deep breath, I walked down the stairs to grab some breakfast. To my surprise I saw my dad feeding Brody. I stood there in shock for a moment.

"Hey dad," I said slowly walking around him and Brody to grab a plum. I love plums. Only the ones that are yellow inside, the reddish insides are gross. They're too soggy.

"Hey pumpkin. What are you up to today?" My dad asked, while trying to get Brody to eat. I walked over and sat on a stool.

"Uhm," I started, "I'm actually not sure yet." I answered after thinking for a few seconds. He nodded silently, looking at me for not even a second. I got up and threw away my plum.

I started walking up the stairs taking my time. When I got to my room I walked over and checked my phone.

From: Courtney
"We're going to the mall ladies(:"

From: Carter
"Okayy Girls, I need some cute summer clothes!"

From: Courtney
"All of your clothes are like brand new!"

From: Carter
"Fine, then you take them!"

From: Courtney
"I will!!"

Courtney and Carter can't ever agree on anything, unless it's hating the soccer team. That's about the only thing they agree on. Which is weird considering Courtney played soccer for 6 years!

I walked into my bathroom, and looked at my reflection again. I started to look hard. Quinton was always getting chased by all these girls, but no one ever paid any attention to me like that. Was there something wrong with me ? I mean I have the same face as Quinton for crying out loud!

I shrugged it off, not wanting to get upset over it. I pulled my hair back into a messy bun and washed my face, and applied light make up. I only really wear eye liner and mascara, I don't really have any acne or anything to cover.

Letting my hair down and running my fingers through it a few times, I tried to decide what to do with it. Like usual though, I just left it in its messy waves.

Pulling my phone out again and checking my messages, I saw that Courtney and Carter all wanted me to drive today. Great. They always do this. I drive while they sing and do absolutely everything they can to distract me.

To: Courtney & Carter
"Be ready, I'm leaving now"

I grabbed my car keys and walked down the stairs. I stopped at the door and slide on my red vans, and walked out to my car.

Hey guys sorry it took so long for me to update, I just kind of lost motivation to write or do anything lately:( But I'm back now if any of you care!

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