2.Cleaning wars

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As I realized I was standing in the middle of my yard watching where Logan once stood, I shook my head and started back for the house.

Inside I pulled out my phone and called Courtney. If I wanted this mess to be game before mom and dad get home, then I'm going to need all the help I can get.

Courtney didn't pick up until after three rings. "Hello?"

"Hey Courtney, I have a huge favor to ask." I said quickly, biting my lip waiting for her answer.

"What kind of favor are we talking" she asked hesitantly.

"I just need you to help me clean eggs off my house." I said in a cheery voice making it sound more fun.

"Um how about no."

"Come on please?" After she didn't respond I continued "If my parents see this they aren't going to let me do anything all summer. That means we can go to the mall and people watch." People watching is something the girls and I do, you pick out certain pick and rate them.

"Fine I'll call carter and drag her over there too." Courtney said in a regretful tone.

"Yay" I squeaked.

"See ya soon"

"See ya!" with that we both hung up.

I walked around to try and find Quinton, there was no way he was getting out of cleaning this. It was after all because of him that our house was egged.

I finally found him in the den playing some violent video game. I am not one of those girls who plays video games like that, maybe Mario brothers of something but never these. They're just so bloody and violent.

"Where's Brody? " I asked after looking around and not seeing him.

"He's watching a movie in his room."

Brody has this little t.v. that dad had attached to the ceiling above his crib. That way he can watch a movie until he falls asleep,

I gave Quinton a nod before turning around to walk away. I only had gotten a few steps when I remember why I was down here.

"Oh yeah and we have to clean eggs off the house before mom and dad get home." I tried to through in casually.

Quinton dropped his remote and jumped up. "What!?!?" He yelled forcefully.

I physically winced at how loud he was being. Quinton was known to yell a lot, just not at me normally.

"Uhm uh someone- or a few people, decide to egg our house. They said they knew you?" I asked. When he didn't respond I continued, "from football?"

"Who?" was all Quinton could say.

"Uhm I only talked to one," I said looking around. "Logan?"

"You talked to Logan? !?" Quinton seethed. I could feel the anger radiating off of him.

I've never seen him this angry. Ever.

"Y-yes," I studdered. "I talked to logan." After Quinton didnt respond I continued, "Who is Logan?" I finally asked.

"Someone you need to stay away from," his voice trembling with anger. "Thats who."

With that Quinton walked past me and up the stairs. Wow. I wonder what his deal with Logan is.

I ran up the stairs after him to see Carter and Courtney in the kitchen grabbing sponges and glass cleaner.

"Hey guys thanks for coming, I really couldn't have cleaned this by myself." I gushed.

"Its okay," Carter said while throwing her long blonde hair over her shoulder. "You'll just have to make us lunch." she smiled sweetly.

"Oh I see," I said "Your help always comes with a cost."

Carter giggled and followed Courtney out into the living room. We really should start cleaning before my parents get home and have a fit.

"Alright guys" I said loudly.

We have to clean the house before my parents come home. If they see the house like this, with eggs all over the front. oh boy. they'd  have a cow. Literally.

"Lets get cleaning!" I yelled.

Carter started jumping up and down and waving her hand in the air.

"Maybe we should team up," she said. "We could get so much more done. "

"No we should have a cleaning war. Whoever cleans the most, gets whatever they want." Quinton suggested.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes wow, he of course would be the one to suggest that he would get anything he wanted. But I guess he does have a point if I make this competitive then Clinton will have a reason to actually clean instead of just gawk at my friends.

" okay, okay" I said exasperated.

Let's do this. We ran outside sponges and buckets, in our arms almost dropping everything we had as we ran out. Quinton and Carter immediately paired up together, figures though because Quinton had always had a crush on Carter. But who didn't have a crush on Carter, she was so pretty her blonde hair and her blue eyes she was practically a Barbie doll. how could I ever compete with that? Truth be told I couldn't and I knew that. I had accepted a long time ago.

Me and Courtney grab the hose and immediately started spraying off the egg on picking up the eggshells. sometimes Courtney withhold the soap on top of the hose and pour it down into the hose, so when it sprayed out water the water hitting the house with soapy water. It was pure genius I had to admit but I wish I thought of it myself.

Courtney and I had won the cleaning war when our half of the house is completely spotless. Quinton and Carter's on the other hand not so much. They still had eggs and egg shells dripping and laying all over.

"Alright alright." Quinton said holding his hands up in surrender. "What do you want?"

What did I want? I dont even know! As I stand there feeling conflicted, Carter's wiping soap out of her hair. I wonder if I have soap in my hair. Because if I do then I do NOT want to be outside where all the neighbors can see.

I start walking back to the house suddenly self conscious, Courtney close behind. "I think Courtney and I will just keep that one in our back pocket."

Quinton rolls his eyes and groans. "Whatever you say," he suddenly stops walking. "Just don't use it to embarrass me."

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