Chapter 1

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The screens in school "Buckston" - advertising for "Green Committee -Candidate Speeches Today".

"And the next candidate to be president of the school's Green Committee-Ross Lynch!" and the audience lose it! everyone cheering, holding signs with his face.

And here he is, Ross, stood on the stage confident and strong. Dirty-blond hair, very tall,muscular body. You can still smell the shampoo from the shower after his regular morning workout.

Ross has everything in life. He is rich. He is the most popular guy in school. He has a famous father. He has good grades.He have the most beautiful and popular girl in school as a girlfriend.

But despite his outward beauty and his wisdom, Ross has a horrible personality. He is very rude, superficial, he showing off , and care only for himselves. And the only thing that interests him in his life is- him and his look! He always takes care of his look. His friends are the most popular people in school. And Ross mocking and laughing at the ugly people.

But the problem is - no one really likes Ross. So you're probably asking, why everyone cheering him?
The answer is-reputation.
Everyone cares about their reputation.

And return to the speeches - Ross today wearing a dark blue shirt with buttons.The Shirt tight enough so you can see his muscular body. With tight black jeans and he completed it with his elegant black jacket.

And now his turn to speak :
"True or false. you are an aggressively unattractive person (He starts to point at people) dickhead,face scar ... (Eva looks from the crowd and rolled her eyes) or you just missed the beauty boat? Whatever it was, best embrace the suck ! Beautiful people have a better life. It's just a fact!"

And here again all the cheers begin. Casey,Ross's girlfriend, wink at him.

"So ... (he starts moving on the stage), how it relates to running for president of the Green' ?
(He looked to Eva with a smirk ) not much.Just that you will never choose me because my commitment to the environment. (He says this with a mocking laugh) I don't feel any obligation. I just want it on my resumes"

The audience chuckled a bit while Laura stood aside waiting for her turn to take the stage and explain why the role of President fits her.

" But what you need to ask yourself is- Do you need to choose me because I'm the guy with the money, the most Popular guy in school , handsome, the guy that his father is The most famous serving News ?
And the answer is- HELL YEAH!!! "
And the cheers didn't stop!

And Laura,17, A girl who is in class with Ross, but he never noticed her.Pretty brunette. Thin and beautiful.Wearing a dark gray shirt short. With her hippie scarf. And tight jeans.

Looking at the pages of her speech one more time, and decides to just give up. While Ross with a huge smile waving to the audience.

Her black heels clicking on the floor were hard as she left the room, but no one noticed except Ross.

She looked one last look at Ross that was still on stage. Gives him a sad and disappointed smile.He looked at her with straight face and quickly looked away toward the crowd when the doors were slammed.


"Dude! It was awesome. come off your hand men," Said Brandon Ross's best friend as they walked out of the courtroom into the hallway of the school.

Brandon is not as high as Ross. He has short brown hair. He has a little nerdy appearance but Ross still love him and trust him.

"Lynch,You did great with your work," Mr. Bernstein said.
" I appreciate your help, Mr. Bernstein," Ross replied quickly with a smile and continue walk with his friend.

"You hate this teacher," whispered Brandon.
"I'll do whatever it takes men for recommendations to college," Ross replied quickly.

"The speech was killed," said Casey and held Ross's hand. Casey,have a short blond hair and today she was wearing her purple cheerleader outfits.

"Talking about kill, did you see the black bitch with the Voodoo tattoos ?" Ross said, sounding as if he wanted to punch her.

"But who cares? Remember my motto: Stay away from the witch," said Brandon. Casey rolled her eyes.

"I will put it out from your head later," Casey said before she kissed him a quick kiss on the lips and she went.

Ross and Brandon walked on and then turn right down the hall. Then they saw something that made both of them in shock.

" WHAT THE..."

Hey there beautiful people :)
I know I have bad grammar but I hope you understand.

Question- What do you think Ross and Brendon saw? :0

I hope you like this chapter. If you do:please vote and comments! It means a lot to me :)
Have a lovely day ♡ ☆
~ mima_R5er ~

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