Chapter 2

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I can't open my eyes and see my surroundings because my face and body are lying in the dirt. And I can't open my eyes and see surroundings, because of this taste of ground and leaves (probably) in my mouth. Ick!

Somebody, turn on the sharpen filter and turn me over, please! Goddess, It's awful!

I split out this 'tasty' nasty and try to rise. Alas, it's another attempt of nothing. My body is all aches and pains. I feel a dull pain in my head and hundred percent sure I've sprained my ankle (It's bad you didn't see my epic fall from heaven a few minutes ago. Like a song. "Fell like an angel" I should say. Never ever land on your foot while falling. This is my advice). Well, I'm still lying on the ground with my face in it. In the dirt. In the filthy shhhh... You know, what I mean. Ah...

Plenty attempts to look around despite the pain. Dull pain. Dull pain in my body. Crud! (but I WLL rise!)

So, I raise my head and see stones, bushes, trees... grass near me. By the way, did I tell you that I'm always lucky enough to get like this? Yeah, such situations are all about me. Even now I fell into the dirt, not the grass which is a few inches closer. That's all about me. Nice to meet you.

Well...I get my bearings again still lying on the ground. High trees, everything is... greeny green (it must be spring or early summer), bushes, birds singing. Am I in the forest? (Where is the room!?) Yeah, I'm in the forest (it is of course).

At least I turnover on back. It's much better now. So, forest. It's quite good but I'm not Alice. I'm Jelly. Dirty Jelly to say (no indirection here). To make a long story short, I hadn't seen a white rabbit before and it means that... It's not a fairytale, hah! Eureka (nope)!

I think that ... Ain't it funny? At first, I was in a white room, then I got here. But Dirty Jelly isn't surprised actually, 'cause she's used to such 'adventures'. Ain't it funny? Ha. Ha. Ha.

The sky. I close my eyes. Somewhere not far from here there is a horse. I hear neighing. I've no idea why and how I got here. I remember a door and the darkness, but this forest. How is this possible? No way!

It's like I'm dreaming, but it cannot be. I feel everything too much. Dreams they're like clouds – too light to be the truth. Here I feel this heavy reality, which is too hard for a 'head in the clouds' person. My peers and family call me a wacko for this, but yes, I AM. Is it bad? Is it bad to live in your own world and draw your inspiration here? I don't think so. I don't feel my thoughts, I see them there. That's why my stories are always front-page best sellers at the university paper!

Suddenly I feel like somebody is close to me. My eyes are closed but I can feel the shadow. I hear a voice.

"Hey! Are you ok?" I feel like a shadow is waving. "Can I help you?"

I open my eyes and see... Oh my! Dude, are you from these health magazines? Or maybe you are a famous actor or a host or a-

"Hello?" Mr. Perfect interrupts my thoughts.

Well, you want to hear something from me, buddy. Ok, Mr. Perfect. The first impression is very important, especially when you're in the dirt. Have you ever seen how pigs sunbathe? It's so cute, but I don't think that I look the same now.

So, be more confident Dirty Jelly. High time to shine. "Hi!" Did my voice sound good? "Hm... You know... I'm taking mud baths... You can join me, can't you?"

He smiles, but there is something singular in his appearance (Honestly, his outlook is like... Where did he get it? Is somewhere a sale of rags?). Maybe, he was waiting for another reply or ... What else? I'm lying on the ground here (in the dirt. I highlighted it. It must be red underlined). I even don't know where I am. Dude, stop staring at me like that!

He keeps smiling. "Oh, you can speak. That's good!" Of course, I can, dude!

Honestly, I didn't expect him to take my mud baths words seriously and he did it. A second and he lies next to me in the dirt.

Hey, what are you doing! I turn my head to him and start with my 'bitchy' voice. "Thank you. You lay down so that I got even dirtier. I really appreciate it."

"My pleasure," What did you say? Are you for real, Mr. Pefrect?

He looks at me as if he were this cat from these pictures... You know it. There were a green giant (or ogre if I'm not mistaken), a donkey, and ... hm... a cute red cat. There were no other characters actually, but this Mr. Perfect is like that cutie red cat. The scene with big eyes and ... a hat. You know what I am up to. I hope.

"Oh, you such a ... kind person." A kind little shit person to be correct,"I think you've lost your hat somewhere."

Puzzlement appears on his face. Even now he looks like that cat "Excuse me? What hat. I don't wear any now. And –"

Blah-blah-blah. Such a bore one. "Never mind," I interrupt him.

We're looking at each other for a minute or more. He has blue eyes, a straight nose, black hair, sharp cheekbones... It's like I've seen him before, but... I don't know... I start looking in the sky and mentioned that he did the same (aw! Such a copycat!).

I've no idea how much time passed, but I start "I fell from heaven a few minutes ago, but I'm not an angel, I'm not Alice. I'm Jelly. I see that you don't have any tail or long ears...So who are you? What's your name?"

" Lesher is my name. I'm a—"

Gosh! The bushes rustle, so it hinders the opportunity to hear him clearly. What are you saying?

Suddenly I hear a very familiar voice. "Jelly!" Mum?

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