Chapter 4

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I've never seen my mum like this before. Power and control are the main words in her life. She is strong and confident. Always a boss. In all difficult situations, she is as cool as cucumber... She's prudent. I think she always achieves her goals. Woman of steel. She is. Perfect linguist, perfect boss, perfect person... When I was younger, I wished I were her... Yeah... now... now I don't know who I wanna be...

And what's now? Where is her steel? As far as she saw this guy... Well... she's ready to kiss his boots. No more comment.

Whisper in my ear. "Honey, nod your head. You must obey the rules and be polite with His Majesty," mum's voice sounds angry and I don't do it, I just look at her and then at him. Suddenly, I burst into a laugh. I can't help.

His Majesty Mr. Perfect! Hahaha! L.O.L. Must I drown in his brown eyes and be on cloud nine? Ooh! I can't help.

It might be insane that I behave like this and now I'm lying in this squashy grass with my eyes full of tears. I really can't help laughing and am really sorry.

All this situation, all these people, all these surroundings... all this me. I can't help.

Don't know what to do. It would almost be funny if it wasn't so sad. It's like a fairytale, but it's NOT! I mean it. All this can't be fake. It's real.

This forest, these people, even this strange squashy grass. Me. It's all real. Ah!

Now I'm crying. I can't describe my feelings. There are plenty of them. Questions. There are plenty of them. What is going on? Why everything is like this? Where am I? Darn! No answers. I want to escape. But I can't. I can't say the reason. Something inside. It stops me.

They say tears are the weakness. Liars. I'm not weak, I'm lost. What should I do?

Whisper in my ear. "Honey, nod your head. You must obey rules and be polite with His Majesty" mum's voice sounds angry. I starring at her. And then at His Majesty.

"What?" Stop. I touch my face. What a ... I didn't cry. Touch my face plenty of times. Nope, I didn't cry... I jump up. How's that...

I'm about to lose my balance but feel hands which help me to stand.

"Let me help you," The voice of Mr. Perfect Majesty sounds like a sweet melody. So, hypnotizing. He takes me cautiously.

I feel other hands. Mum. Now I can be sure my balance is under control. "Honey, please, take a sit. Breath in. Breath out. You can't stand up so quickly. Back on a tree. Do you --"

I feel like a puppet. I do all these orders. Look at mum then at Mr and again, and again.

Thoughts in my head. I can't concentrate. They say something to me and I can't get it.

When I was a child, I adored swimming. Every Monday in the evening dad or mum and I went to the pool for backache (Evening was chosen because I was able to swim almost alone). And there my paradise began. It was a place where I could be like a duck to water in water.

At first, it started as a show: I did some water exercises to impress Mz Shimmy and parents (to show that I know everything, 'cause I'm a talented student and got everything) and at the end, I was lying on my back. My favorite part. I was starring at a ceiling dreaming of how to touch that picture of the dolphin on the bottom and was out of reality (Though it was magical) I could hear nothing and nobody but myself... but myself (How to reach...)

One day I was lying on my back. I felt like water hugs me (as usual). Suddenly I thought that there was a high time to get that dolphin. A second and I was about to reach the bottom (very very slippery). Alas...

How to reach the point where I will be able to understand what I am doing here. How got there and how to esc---


Ouch! Hey!

Mum looks so worried. Shakes my shoulders. "Honey, it ain't funny. Stop it, please. His Majesty said that you were lying on the ground here with your face in the dirt. Then you were starring at the sky like ... like... Please, tell me... tell us what happens. I told His Majesty everything about your escape from the local fair. What happened?"

A hand upon my shoulder. Oh, Mr. Perfect stop staring at me with your blue eyes like that. "Do you need any help? Tell us and there will be the best solution of the Nest land".

What did you say? Which solution? Which Nest? Hahaha! I can't help! It's a dream!

"You both, get a life!" I struggle in their arms and try to run. Like in all these soap operas, I'm falling.


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