Part 2

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You woke up with a terrible headache, it was worse then anyone you'd had before. You slowly got up and headed for the medicine cabinet. You took some Tylenol and chugged a glass of water. You went to the bathroom, brushing your teeth and doing your business.

You looked up if you could do anything to make your headache go away. It said to "go get some fresh air", so you decided to go to one of the forests later on in the day to take a walk. But for the mean time, you wanted to try and beat your high score on one of your games.


It was a few hours later and you decided to go for the walk. It looked like it was gonna rain soon, so you decided to atleast try to look decent. You put on a long-sleeved black shirt, jeans, a gray hoodie, gloves, and your sneakers.

You headed out the apartment building and started toward that forest, it didn't take you that long because you went in your bike. But you soon made it there, parking your bike on a tree and head for the trees.

It was nice and peaceful, you barely ever was able to get away from the city and this made you feel calm. You claimed some trees and made some landmarks so you could backtrack to get to your bike when you were finished.

You sat down under a tree, looking around a admiring the nature around you when you hurd, what sounded to be a baby crying. You immediately got up and started to look around, wondering were it was coming from. You followed it and soon found were it was coming from, a small basket. There was a note ontop of a peice of cloth, you picked it up and read:

"Please watch over my baby girl, her name is Lyra. Please, raise her as your own"

You were stunned and slowly pulled back the cloth and you were socked by what you saw. It was......a monster baby? It looked.....

a monster baby? It looked

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.....adorable. You picked up Lyra and looked at her carefully. You then hurd some yelling in the distance and your curiosity got the better of you. You wrapped the baby in the cloth and held it close to you, putting your hood up and a mask on so your face wouldn't be visible. You carefully and slowly walked toward the noises and saw heros fighting someone. You stayed in the shadows, making sure you weren't gonna be seen.

You noticed that same Silver hair from the dude that was fighting Metal Bat yesterday. You kept watching the fight until, the tree you were hiding behind got blown away by a barrage of bullets. You ducked down and protected yourself and Lyra, making sure she didn't wake from her sleep.

You looked up and saw one for the A class heros looking at you, question in his eyes.

Hero: "MA'AM you need to leave the vicinity. The Hero Hunter is here, this is not a safe place to be."

You held Lyra close and stood up, looking at the hero.

Y/n: "S-sorry sir, ill leave know"

A peice of the cloth slipped from you hands and revealed the monster baby, quietly sleeping in your arms. You quickly wrapped it back up, hopping that the hero didn't see her.

Hero: "Ma'am, is that a monster. It's must be eliminated"
Y/n: "WHAT!!! You can't kill her, she's just a baby!!"
Hero: "Ma'am please hand over the monster"

You moved out for the way, seeing that something was about to hit the hero in the back. You stumbled a little and landed on your free hand. You looked up and saw 3 heros knocked unconscious and the Silver haired man looking at you. You both started at eachother, not breaking eye contact. He had a crazy look in his eyes.

Lyra's cloth fell apart again and you quickly wrapped her back up. You stood up and looked at the man, who had a different experience know. It was a mixture of excitement and surprised. You started to retrace your steps back to your bike and you soon found it. You quickly hopped on it and rode back to your apartment, keeping Lyra on your chest and not looking back.

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