Part 8

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Your face became a very visible shade of red, your ears, checks and nose all were a bright red. You were frozen in place, surprised at what just happened. You soon snapped outta your trance and felt your nose starting to bleed. You quickly pushed the man upward and placed him on his side, pushing his legs up on the couch.

You ran to the bathroom, grabbing some toilet paper to cover your nose. You looked in the mirror and saw your face, it was very VERY red. You still felt the presser of his face on your chest, you felt your heart skip a beat. Were you starting to fall for the Hero Hunter. You pushed that feeling away and focused on stopping your nose bleed.

It soon stopped and you walked back to the couch. You saw Lyra looking at you with the "0w0" face. You blushed, walking toward her and picker her up and setting her on the man. She cuddled up to him, snuggling into his arms. You turned on the TV, switching to the news. It was talking about the Hero Hunter, it was about the resent attack from him.

Reporter: "The Hero Hunter, has been found out to be an old student of the Class S Rank 3 hero, Whitefang"
Whitefang: "The Hero Hunter is my old student, Garou. I don't know what happened to him but we need to find him"
Y/n: "Mhm, so that's his name, Garou"

You looked at him, seeing that he face has gotten red. You placed the back of your hand on his head and it was burning. You ran to your kitchen, getting a warm washcloth and putting it on his head. You assumed that he got sick from fighting and the amount of blood loss.

You sat next to Garou, rubbing his shoulder and glancing at him once in a while. You felt embarrassed, but also kinda liked what happened earlier even though you knew it was wrong. But, it kinda felt nice. You still felt the pressure on your chest, looking down at your breasts and placing your hand there.

You shook the thought away and looked at him. Blushing when you saw his calm, sleeping face. Before your knew it, you had kissed him on the cheek. You shot your head back up, feeling your face get red. You buried your face into your hands and didn't wanna move them. You them felt someone grab your arm, you moved your hand and looked to see that Garou was looking at you. And his face was just as red as yours, he looked shocked but he had a small smile on his face.

He grabbed Lyra, setting her down on the ground and sitting up straight. He put his other hand on your back, pulling you closer to his chest. He placed his index finger and thumb on your chin and pulled your mouth to his. You were both gazing into eachothers eyes, until your lips touched. You both kissed eachother softly, closing your eyes and enjoying your guys little moment.

You leaned into the kiss, your body pressing up against his. Him pulling you closer with his hand on your back. You felt him let go of your chin and removed his other hand from your back, placing his hands on your hips. He pulled you onto his waist, still kissing you passionately. He felt you wrap your arms around his neck and lean into the kiss.

Garou started to rub your hips, releasing the kiss and getting some fresh air. You ran your fingers through his hair, looking into his eyes. He had a lustful look in his eyes, but he seemed to control it. He laid back down with you on his chest, moving his hands to your back. You laid your head down on his chest, hearing his heart beat.

Garou: "My named Garou by the way"

You giggled

Y/n: "I know, I hurd it on the news"

You both soon fell asleep.

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