Part 4

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(???'s Pov)

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to remember what happened before I pasted out. I groaned, lifting myself up with my arms. I looked at my surroundings, I was in an apartment. Then I remembered, I followed that girl, with the baby monster in her arms.

I sat up, rubbing my head. I looked to my right and saw.....the girl. She was on her knees, holding a washcloth in her hands with a stunned expression.

?: "I guess you didn't expect me to wake up"
Y/n: "Y-yea, I didn't..."

I noticed that my bandages were clean and the blood was all cleaned up.

?: "You....cleaned me up"
Y/n: "Yeah, you were very badly injured so I decided to help a bit....heh"
?: "Mhm....thanks I guess, it's been a while since someone has taken care of me"
Y/n: "No problem, but I do have a question"
?: "What is it"
Y/n: "I saw your fighting those heros earlier, are you the Hero Hunter"
?: ".....yes I am, are you going to turn me in"
Y/n: "NO...."

I looked at her in surprise.

Y/n: "...I...I mean...."
Y/n: "Mhm....."
Y/n: "When I saw you fighting the heros, one saw the monster I was holding and said "We need to eliminate it" but I couldn't hum do that. It's just a baby, it's not fair"

I looked at her in surprise, I didn't know other people also like monsters like me.

?: "So, do you also think it's unfair when monsters get killed"
Y/n: "Well....yes, I never really was found of heros. They only want approval from the public and praise for doing the bare minimum"
?: "You are like me...."
Y/n: "What"
?: "N-nothing, I've just never met someone who's like me"

(Y/n's Pov)

I felt something leap on my back, I fell forward and my head landed on one of the man's legs. I dropped my washcloth, putting my hand on the couch to lift myself up. I was able to pick me head up while pushing myself up, seeing the man smiling a little. I saw him reach for the thing on my back and when it was I'm eye view, I saw Lyra's comforting smile.

The man set her on his lap and patted her head.

?: "Heh, what's it's name"
Y/n: "Her name is Lyra and I should have asked earlier but what is yours"
?: "I'll tell you my name when I trust you"
Y/n: "Fair enough, but mine is Y/n"
?: "Alright"
?: "How long am I allowed to stay"
Y/n: "Well, do you have anywhere to hideout"
?: "Well no, those damn heros destroyed it"
Y/n: " can live here. It does get lonely and I don't have any friends"
?: "Ok....."

He stared playing with Lyra, moving her hands up and down and her laughing. I got up, heading to the bathroom to get a towel, the man didn't smell the best. I walked back to the couch and tossed the towel to him, he picked it up and gave me a confused look.

Y/n: "Go take a shower, you don't smell the best"

He shrugged, picking up the towel and walking to the bathroom. I turned on the TV and changed to the Anime station. Lyra seemed interested in the colorful picture on the screen, it was Sailor Moon. I hurd the water turn on and you decided to get him come clean clothes. I found the only clean pair of clothes you had, a black crop top and sweatpants. I didn't have any boxers for him, so I decided that I'll get some tomorrow.

I just now had to except that this is reality and my life might change.

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