Flashbacks when you MET me

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Taylor arrived at the Met Gala, a place she had no desire to be at.

The past few weeks have been hard to Taylor, with all the Kimye situation and the fact that she had just ended her one-year-long relationship with Adam.

In the beggining of their relationship, she thought he would be the one. He had to be the one. Otherwise she would be just a single-cat-lady for the rest of her life. 

But the truth is, Adam was just another man caught in her web. Just another man whose name was written in her blank space. Simply just another man.

At this point, Taylor was starting to feel like all men in the world were like this. As if all men would care more about her body than about her. As if all men would leave her as soon as it got complicated. As if all men would find menstruation disgusting and inconvenient. As if all men would treat her like crap. And above everything, as if all men would make her feel like crap.

What she didn't know, was that everything she believed was about to change.

Taylor put of her fake smile and got out of the car, now exposed to the cameras flashes and the screaming as she walked the red carpet.

As her eyes wandered through the place, she laid eyes on a group of people she assumed were actors. But honestly, her eyes were focused on one especifc person. Or better, a man. He was gorgeous. He had a buzzcut and because he was smiling you could see his cute dimples and even far away, you could see his also gorgeous ocean blue eyes.

Taylor got out of her transe when her friends came to talk to her, but she mostly ignored the conversation, as she was busy creeply staring at a random dude she didn't even know.

"Stop it, Taylor", she thought to herself. She got a really weird feeling. She was never interested nor attracted to some random person, it was always otherwise, but this with this guy it was different, she just didn't know why.

She also got a drink for herself. The first of many others.

She went to the bar to get her-- Wait. What drink was she already? Well, she was getting another drink, when a british voice approched her.

"Hi! I'm Joe Alwyn.", the voice said. Taylor turned around to face the guy when she saw a vary familiar face. It was him. The gorgeous stranger she kept staring the whole night. "Seriously? He is british too?", she tought to herself. But before she got the chance to present herself, her drunk self got the better.

"Hi! I'm Joe Alwyn!", she repeated mocking his accent. "Great, I already screwed things up. Why the hell did I say that?!", she thought.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Joe Alwyn", Joe answerd laughing slightly. "But seriously, what is your name?"

Taylor's eyes wided a little, she haven't met a person who didn't know who she was for years. It was kind of refreshing to finally talk to someone who didn't know all her mistakes or had already a formed opinion about her based on tabloids. "I'm Taylor".

"Nice to meet you, Taylah", he said smiling.

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