Flashbacks when you MET me (Part 2)

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Several weeks have passed after the Met Gala, yet Taylor weirdly still thought about the buzzcut upcoming actor named Joe Alwyn. But every time he crept into her mind, she tried to think of something else. After all, how ridiculous is it? To keep thinking about this random guy you only talked to once?! Although he was really good looking and she had a blast talking to him, it was still ridiculous and stupid to have him constantly running through your mind, right?

Those were the kind of thoughts Taylor's been having these past few weeks, especially now that she was dating Tom Hiddleston.

Tom and her also met at the Met Gala, and had quite some fun dancing it off. They quickly started some sort of relationship, that Taylor tried really hard to make it the real deal, but deep down she knew exactly that he was just an escape. From everything that's been overwhelming her lately. Her life, the media, her break up with Adam and, also, her real feelings.

Taylor's POV

Tom and I have been dating for a while now... He is a true gentleman. Right now he's out of the country filming a movie. We've been traveling a lot lately and having quite an exposed relationship, which has been concerning me a little. Right now, too much exposition can be really damaging.

My reputation has been crumbling down faster than anything. It looks like a landslide and I have no idea what I can do about it. I feel like this summer is gonna be the apocalypse.

Still, if I told any of my remaining friends about any of my recent thoughts and feelings, they'd probably tell me that I'm being overdramatic. After all, I have a family that loves me, a few remaining friends (at least for now), a handsome boyfriend, a huge career, lots of money,... What else could I possibly ask for? And that's why I feel selfish to think that I feel like something is missing. I don't know what. I have no idea why. But I still do. I'm supposed to be happy, right? I have everything I've ever wanted. I'm at the top of the world (or at least I've been told so). So why do I still feel a huge void inside me?

Another thing that's been worrying me lately is him. Joe. I still can't get that guy out of my head. I swear I don't mean to, but he always seems to appear even if just in the back of my mind. Which is so damn stupid, I know. But I still can't. He probably doesn't even remember talking to me. And I mean, why would he ever want to talk to me again? I'm a mess, let's be honest. If he's a sane person, he'd stay as far away from me as possible, and who could blame him? And that isn't supposed to affect me nearly as much as it does. And that's when all of the 'what if's creep into my mind. Because I can't help but think that maybe, just maybe, we could've been something in another life.

I start scrolling through social media, which is a horrible idea, might I add, because all those snake emojis fill my phone screen along with that hateful hashtag "taylorswiftisoverparty".

All I want to do is to disappear. Well, I unfortunately can't actually disappear, so I just want to stay the whole day home in bed, under the covers and cuddling my cats.

But obviously, this being my life, I can't simply do that, so I have to go to Gigi's party. I absolutely have no desire to go, but she's 'demanding' me to. She says I need to get out of my house and go have fun and that all of this will be over soon. But frankly, I don't think so. I feel like this is just the beginning...

Joe's POV

I'm at Gigi's party and I feel like I should have fun, but this is not really my kind of environment. There are drunk celebrities dancing, talking, making out, and I just kinda feel a little out of place.

I'm eyeing the room when my eyes suddenly notice a certain blonde with a familiar pair of electric blue eyes. The woman that has been the main focus of my thoughts and dreams.

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