To me, you are always perfect

740 23 26

TW: Eating disorders


"Hey, there! G'morning, sleepy head!", Joe said to Taylor, who had just woken up, with a big smile on his face. 

"Morning...", said Taylor with a small smile and a tired voice, since she was still sleepy. 

After a couple of lazy minutes still in bed, Joe asked "So... Do you have anything to do today?" 

"I'll probably go to the gym... I need to get back on shape... You?", Taylor said in a kind of sad tone. 

"Don't say that... You always look perfect! You know that, right? And I'll probably just hang out with my school old friends." 

Taylor just nodded and Joe was slightly concerned but he decided to let it pass. 

After Joe had gone out, Taylor put some gym clothes and while she was doing a ponytail, she started to stare at her body. She lifted her shirt a little and was looking at her stomach from different angles. 

"What was going through my mind when I decided to eat that much?! Great, now I'm fat!" Taylor thought to herself, rolling her eyes. "I seriously need to loose some pounds...", she thought, seeming a little disapointed. 

Leaving the house without eating anything, Taylor went to the gym, where she pushed herself way too hard. 

When she left the gym, she suddenly felt dizzy. To worsen her situation, outside the gym there were a bunch of paparazzi, screaming things like "Needing to loose weight, Taylor!" or "Geez, Taylor! Just realized you need to remain on shape?" or even "Did Joe knock you up already? Bet he already left... Will you raise the kid alone?". 

Taylor thought she would pass out and the shouting and flash of cameras really weren't helping. She just needed to get to the car, but everything was black and she felt like she as an animal in a glass cage, like everyone could watch and say anything they wanted to and about her. 

She somehow managed to get to the car and quickly told her driver to start driving straight to her house. 

Along the way, she put the privacy glass between her and the driver and started crying. She didn't have one specific reason to cry, she just needed to. 

When she got there, she new she needed to eat, but she couldn't. She just couldn't. 

She went to her bedroom and spent the whole day laying in her bed, under the covers, with a few tears slipping down her face. 

Joe got home and saw the whole house dark and quiet, what got him worried. 

"Taylor? Babe? I'm home. Where are you?", Joe said loudly, so she could hear from whatever room she was in, while wandering around the house with a slightly concerned look on his face.

 Joe went to the kitchen, but Taylor wasn't there. "She must be in the music room", he thought to himself. Nothing of Taylor. 

He tried to convince himself that she probably left to do something and will came back soon and then he decided to go to their bedroom. 

When he entered the bedroom, he realized Taylor was there, although he couldn't actually see her, since the lights were off. 

"Baby? Are you okay?", he asked with a soft tone with his concern going off the roof thinking of what might've happend. 

No answer. Joe got even more worried. "Tay, please answer me", he said still in a soft tone going to turn on the lights. 

With the light now on, Joe saw a fragile, defenseless Taylor, cuddled with her knees, covered with blankets. She didn't look well at all. She was pale and had tears rolling down her face. 

A Love That Was Really Something - Jaylor One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon