Sorry Not a Update but a A/n

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Okay so I know I've promised to update and I'm so sorry I haven't but sadly my school work has been piling up like crazy so I'm to busy to write. My schools quarter ends at 11:59 today and everyone needs to be done by Friday so I'm cramming in all last minute work until then. I've also decided that in order to give you all some content I'll try to hopefully write half of a chapter and post it as a preview.

I'm going to be doing this with at least 2 of my stories most likely the Assasin and King Sombra fics in hopes of giving you something to work with and to help take some of the stress off of my shoulders. And I'm also going to be making a schedule for myself in order to balance my school work, exercise/train for the next volleyball season, and to write. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update sooner and I promise that I'm not abandoning any of my stories. Hopefully I'll seen you all soon

Dec 5,
I'm so so sorry my life has honestly become a mess and I've been struggling to balance everything. And I've also gotten horrible writers block for all of my serious stories. So I'm gonna have to give me mind a break for a bit.

Their Conqueror My Savior - King Sombra x Agere Reader mlpWhere stories live. Discover now