the fourth goal

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Not only was Amelia on time for something, but Amelia was prepared. She had actually, well Lena had, put on makeup and dressed nice instead of wearing her day old sweatpants and t shirts.

Lena had done well, and she scanned Amelia up and down. Amelia's dark hair was curled a bit, cascading down her shoulders, She had light makeup on, her eyelashes practically sticking three miles outward, looking amazing thanks to Lena. 

She was wearing a nice patterened blouse and skinny jeans, nothing special, but for Amelia is was a big deal.

"Where are you going?" William decided to actually check on his sister for once. Usually, William was always at work and never had time to see what Amelia was doing. He usually didn't care, until he saw her with makeup and nice clothes on.

"I'm just going out, you know?" Amelia tried to squeeze by him, as he was blocking the door with his long arm.

"With who and when and where? What time will you be home?" William spewed out questions, causing Amelia to roll her eyes.

"Manuel, okay? Happy?!" Amelia said angrily, crossing her arms. William's eyes widened.

"I thought I told you that you couldn't use your phone!" William sighed.

"I didn't, okay? Now if you don't mind, you're in my way," Amelia pushed him aside, not to hard though.

William shook his head, "just like mom."

Amelia didn't turn around but stopped walking, tears forming in her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away, thinking about the mascara glued on her eyelashes.

He knew he shouldn't have said that as he watched Amelia get in Lena's car. Lena waved at William and smiled, causing William to stare and smile.

"Ready for your first date, Ames?" Lena smiled at Amelia. who was silent in the passenger seat.

"Woah, no need to be so nervous, he likes you for you, okay? Don't go all quiet and nervous on him!" Lena said wisely.

The music played softly in the background as they arrived at the restaurant, a quaint little gathering with classical music strumming from the inside and the aroma of fresh food wafting into their noses. 

"You can probably use his phone to call me to pick you up, or if he's dropping you off just let me know!" Lena said as Amelia exited the car, feeling her stomach flutter. 

Amelia, you are acting like an idiot he's just a guy, you got this Amelia said to herself, repeatedly.

"Good luck! I'm so proud of you Ames," Lena hugged her through the window and drove off to one of her social gatherings Amelia never went to.

Amelia called for a table and waited.


Manuel was dead. He was actually dead on the inside.

"Manu, why are you lookin' so....bad?" Bastian yelled across the locker rooms. They were preparing for a match in a few minutes.

Manuel shook his head, but inside his brain pulsed, creating a nauseating headache.

How could he have accepted a date when he knew he had a match? Manuel was so caught up in meeting Amelia again, he had completely forgotten about the match they had to play today. WHO DOES THAT?! 

Now there was no way Amelia would understand.

He was tempted to pretend to be sick and go to the date, but the chances of getting caught were too high. He couldn't have told anyone, or else they would think he was extremely stupid for not thinking it through.

The truth was, he was so caught up in the rush of talking to Amelia, he couldn't have thought straight for a single moment. His mind illuminated the fact that he was going to meet her, and his mind went straight to the nearest date with no training.

Of course, he hadn't thought about matches.


It was about 2 hours that Amelia had been waiting and the waitress approached her for the tenth time.

"Here's some more water, are you sure you don't want to order anything yet?" She said nicely, her voice dripping with pity.

"No thanks, I'm waiting," Amelia sat up straight and looked around for probably the hundreth time.

"Well we close in ten minutes, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave if you aren't going to order anything," The lady tilted her head and nodded as if she was helping.

Amelia glared at her and while fighting back tears, she grabbed her purse firmly and trudged out the restaurant. 

She had been a fool to believe it was true. Manuel was probably partying with a possy of girls around him.

And she was here. Alone and scared. The streets had cleared because it was pretty late. Amelia wrapped her arms around herself, feeling the chill of the air.

Amelia didn't think it was good, but she cursed Manuel Neuer and everything about him as she walked home that night. 


Manuel had just conceded the fourth goal. 

It was full time and Bayern had lost and mostly because Manuel's guilt had literally tripped him up causing him to be the worst player on the field. 

He wondered why the coach hadn't subbed him in...he was a mess the entire game, focused on only what Amelia would think of him.

Maybe she's watching the match right now, Manuel thought to himself, to try and gain more focus on the matter No remember she told you on the phone that she never watches sports on the television! 

Bastian didn't talk to him, he merely held his head low and went to the locker room, making Manuel's guilt build up even more than it was before.

He hoped Amelia was okay and she had somehow found a better guy that wasn't a jerk like he was.

He prayed that this whole day was a dream and that he could wake up knowing that Amelia was safe and knew to reschedule the date.

But it wasn't a dream, and now he had no chance to fix this mess he had created called his life.


It was one in the morning when Amelia finally returned. She opened the door every so slightly, trying to sneak past William's room.

"Amelia come in here!" William yelled. Amelia winced and walked over to the small room, in which WIlliam lay in his bed, not seeming too angry.

Amelia's face probably told William the story as he motioned her over. Amelia shook her head and rushed over to lay under his arm and sob to him.

She felt pathetic but at least she had earned the right to feel pathetic.

Amelia Adler had been stood up by none other than Manuel Neuer.


author's note

thank you so so much for reading :) i just reached 900 followers and just so speechless lol :) tell me what you thought of it in the comments, and what you think will happen next !! ! 

#manelia #idk what other ships should be? ?!? 

----------> cutie amelia 

i love you all so so much <3 thank youuu

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